[Aug 13, 2013] 343i.org MoM Customs (sikslik7)

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Jan 10, 2013
Storming the Castle
As MoM for August over at 343i.org, I am hosting a lobby for anyone to join in on. The customs will pretty much take place most of the day, with a few hour break around 6pm EST to 9pm EST, when it will restart for the evening.

We will pretty much be playing everything and everything, and I am willing to play test people's maps and gametypes. You just need to send me a message with the name of the map and any gametype needed for it. If you can leave a link here to your Fileshare, that's better.

Basic rules:

Don't ask for host, if you want something played: tell me and put it in your fileshare.
Play the game we're playing.
Don't have a bad Mic, if you do, go silent, or go home.
I will invite people to the party, and no other!
Have fun!
I will allow for a break if three people ask for one.
I will choose the maps, but may let you guys decide during certain points.
Have fun!


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