Gaming Article - Female Portrayal in Video Games

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Just to get this straight, I went into this subject with a completely unbiased mind and replayed/played a variety of different games to research for this. And I can already say that female portrayal in video games is appalling. It absolutely disgusts me that publishers/developers intend to sell their game by including porn.

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyBall is just one of the few examples in the shit bucket, of what is a good example of how not to portray females. It's a statistical fact that there are more boys who are hard core gamers than girls okay, one of the main reasons is because of the way females are portrayed as huge breasted, curvy hipped sluts, where every camera angle is focusing more on their asses than the character. Once or twice I felt like the camera was going to pounce on the woman and start to undress her.

It's not getting better if I'm honest, particularly in MMOs and RPGs I'm seeing a lot more skimpy, skin tight women than in other genres (but the other genres still have a lot of progress to make). Of course we do see games that brake this rule. A great example to use (on this website) is Halo (minus Cortana). Halo has female marines who are cliches, but so are the male marines, it's just deliberate stereotyping here. And Miranda was very good, she was normal looking, had a stable career, personality, no god awful camera angles, and people still cared when she died.

However I know a way to improve this situation, we can still have sex in games (just not ridiculously portraying women). Get rid of all of that unrealistic choice of clothes, bring in better personalities, and get rid of the booth babes for god's sake. Mass Effect had a lot of controversy surrounding it with it's sex scens, but this was highly unjustified and Fox News blew it out of proportion to attack video games and get viewers. Anyway, Mass Effect had just as much of those stupidly dressed females, but they had personalities and were interesting, not to mention fan favourite is Tali and aside from skin tight clothing she is a perfect example of how to portray a female in a game.

If we just introduce intimacy, romance, then it's acceptable for sex, just not over the top please. The unfortunate thing is though, publishers and devs won't stop doing this for a while because if they do this then it increases sales, not by a vast amount, but money is money. Which is a shame because if we go toward the subject of females in games with a childish mind, then this severely limits the potential for video games to become a form of art.

We have to accept our sex maturely, great works of art have done this and have been praised for it, Titanic, American Beauty, countless paintings of fully unclothed people, sculptures, the list goes on and on. The only way to make the people listen is with our wallets, but we can't do that either because we can't just not buy a game for a small portion of it. There are truly great games that portray females badly (like StarCraft II), so until devs and publishers man up, take risks, and introduce intimacy in video games romance, then this badly portraying of women will continue, and so will the controversy.


Feb 1, 2013
Just to get this straight, I went into this subject with a completely unbiased mind and replayed/played a variety of different games to research for this. And I can already say that female portrayal in video games is appalling. It absolutely disgusts me that publishers/developers intend to sell their game by including porn.

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyBall is just one of the few examples in the shit bucket, of what is a good example of how not to portray females. It's a statistical fact that there are more boys who are hard core gamers than girls okay, one of the main reasons is because of the way females are portrayed as huge breasted, curvy hipped sluts, where every camera angle is focusing more on their asses than the character. Once or twice I felt like the camera was going to pounce on the woman and start to undress her.

It's not getting better if I'm honest, particularly in MMOs and RPGs I'm seeing a lot more skimpy, skin tight women than in other genres (but the other genres still have a lot of progress to make). Of course we do see games that brake this rule. A great example to use (on this website) is Halo (minus Cortana). Halo has female marines who are cliches, but so are the male marines, it's just deliberate stereotyping here. And Miranda was very good, she was normal looking, had a stable career, personality, no god awful camera angles, and people still cared when she died.

However I know a way to improve this situation, we can still have sex in games (just not ridiculously portraying women). Get rid of all of that unrealistic choice of clothes, bring in better personalities, and get rid of the booth babes for god's sake. Mass Effect had a lot of controversy surrounding it with it's sex scens, but this was highly unjustified and Fox News blew it out of proportion to attack video games and get viewers. Anyway, Mass Effect had just as much of those stupidly dressed females, but they had personalities and were interesting, not to mention fan favourite is Tali and aside from skin tight clothing she is a perfect example of how to portray a female in a game.

If we just introduce intimacy, romance, then it's acceptable for sex, just not over the top please. The unfortunate thing is though, publishers and devs won't stop doing this for a while because if they do this then it increases sales, not by a vast amount, but money is money. Which is a shame because if we go toward the subject of females in games with a childish mind, then this severely limits the potential for video games to become a form of art.

We have to accept our sex maturely, great works of art have done this and have been praised for it, Titanic, American Beauty, countless paintings of fully unclothed people, sculptures, the list goes on and on. The only way to make the people listen is with our wallets, but we can't do that either because we can't just not buy a game for a small portion of it. There are truly great games that portray females badly (like StarCraft II), so until devs and publishers man up, take risks, and introduce intimacy in video games romance, then this badly portraying of women will continue, and so will the controversy.

There's Romance, and there's porn. Both are separate, both are necessary. However if you make beautiful girls and guys and games, well then you have this thread. However, what actresses do you know that DON'T look beautiful?


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
There's Romance, and there's porn. Both are separate, both are necessary.
HAHAHAHAH, wisest quote of the day!

I agree 100% with this thread. Many developers are trying to appeal to the 'typical gamer', a person portrayed as a big nerd who watches porn all day. Very very few people are like this. And there are ALOT of female gamers out there, another thing game developers are failing to see. Some stereotypes can be done right, others (like a females sex appeal) CANNOT. nuff said.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Tomtris said:
However, what actresses do you know that DON'T look beautiful?

Not about looking beautiful, it's about how they dress, their back stories and personality. But having beautiful babes everywhere on a pirate infested island is just slightly ridiculous.
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Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
If there is a collection of people who consider Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyBall as A) even slightly representative of the gaming industry and B) an example of art from which subtext can be drawn from, excuse me while I kill myself. People romance their nether regions to Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyBall, they don't play it because it's a thought-provoking and oft hilarious story detailing the liberation of the main character from the ennui of a dreary American suburban existence. So when you compare it to American Beauty, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about you are talking about. Emily Dickinson's I Felt a Funeral in My Brain is not comparable to Glee fanfiction, vice versa.


Le Mar du Teet
Dec 23, 2012
i played the hell out of DOA: Beach Volleyball.

that game was THE SHIT.

i didnt masturbate to it. but i did collect all the sexy swimsuits to dress up my pretties.
and then we relaxed on the island vacation together and played some volleyball.
i remember you had to buy them presents and shit to get one to like you.

the volleyball part was super fun too, it was simple, but still excellent

how could you NOT want to buy your special gal this sexy swimsuit and butterfly hairpiece and glasses?!
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Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
You know who else loves presents? Horses. You give them carrots and slowly build up their trust and eventually they'll start wearing bikini's and let you dress them however you want.
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Reactions: Titmar

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
additionally - no one wants to play through a boring realistic romance. we want sexy action time. games are fantasy, not reality.

You ... do know what you just said right? That you want games to be filled with smut? I'm sick of people making assumptions about who plays video games, the virgin, teenage boy. If games keep making stuff like DOA, then games will be nothing more than just a play thing. Not to mention I'm not saying that we shouldn't have nudity or sex in a game, but there has to be you know ... romance in it, otherwise it's just porn.

Not to mention movies are fantasy, not reality, but when we watch a movie with a romance in it, you'd expect chemistry.


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
You ... do know what you just said right? That you want games to be filled with smut? I'm sick of people making assumptions about who plays video games, the virgin, teenage boy. If games keep making stuff like DOA, then games will be nothing more than just a play thing. Not to mention I'm not saying that we shouldn't have nudity or sex in a game, but there has to be you know ... romance in it, otherwise it's just porn.

Not to mention movies are fantasy, not reality, but when we watch a movie with a romance in it, you'd expect chemistry.

But the romance in a lot of films, except those that are specifically romance, can seem a little unnatural. It's the same with video games. There are very few genres that can lend themselves to a meaningful, intimate relationship, without detracting from the game itself.

If I'm honest, I don't really care about whatever it is you'd call what your complaining about. I have, and probably never will, buy/play a game for the scantily clad women. I play for the action and the story, not the tits.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
But the romance in a lot of films, except those that are specifically romance, can seem a little unnatural. It's the same with video games. There are very few genres that can lend themselves to a meaningful, intimate relationship, without detracting from the game itself.

If I'm honest, I don't really care about whatever it is you'd call what your complaining about. I have, and probably never will, buy/play a game for the scantily clad women. I play for the action and the story, not the tits.

No, if anything games can do a far better job at establishing a meaningful relationship, we take role of the character, feel like the character and control him/her. Just like in the Mass Effect series, which couldn't have made me care more about the characters and my romance option, saying that there a re very few genres that can do this without retracting from the game itself is just so inaccurate.

Gamers care more about their characters, than people do in their movies, it's because games can be longer and we can get more relatable to the character. Also, it's irrelevant whether you won't buy a game for that, because others will. Look at Titmar and his posts.



Well done Titmar, you've just given me a perfect example of how people see gamers, they want the tits, not a boring relationship.


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
No, if anything games can do a far better job at establishing a meaningful relationship, we take role of the character, feel like the character and control him/her. Just like in the Mass Effect series, which couldn't have made me care more about the characters and my romance option, saying that there a re very few genres that can do this without retracting from the game itself is just so inaccurate.

Gamers care more about their characters, than people do in their movies, it's because games can be longer and we can get more relatable to the character. Also, it's irrelevant whether you won't buy a game for that, because others will. Look at Titmar and his posts.

You are aware that he was joking with first post right (At least, I hope he was. Can never tell with Titmar)? And he is right in pointing out that most gamers don't want to play through a slow realistic relationship.

Also, you can't say Mass Effect disproves my point, because it's one game. Can you honestly say that a romance would work in a shooter, or a Hack n Slash? How about Action Adventure, Puzzlers, Platformers, Simulators, MMOs? Most, if not all, of these genres lend themselves to romance very poorly, if at all. Even if you could squeeze romance into one of them, how big of a difference is it likely to make? It's more likely to take away from the game than add to it.

As well as this, RPGs can lack the ability to include a meaningful relationship. Mass Effect works because Shepard has a voice, a personality. He/she is a developed person with a backstory. Most RPGs have you playing as some random silent protagonist with as much personality as rock.


Le Mar du Teet
Dec 23, 2012
thank you for taking my post and twisting it to fit your bias.

my point was that people want an exciting and action packed, movie-like fantasy experience when they play games.

you tell me if you're going to rush out and buy Female Executives in the Corporate World 2013.... i doubt it.

and i was not joking about DOA, i did love that game.
it was kind of like a collect-it-all, dress-up thing. call me lame if you want mothafuckas.

anyway, games have evolved past these problems in many areas.
tons of games with deep and engaging storylines have existed and are still made all the time.
its like you're just focusing on what you dont like and ignoring all the other evidence.
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Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
Way to provide a negative example of a gamer Titmar. I bet instead of mulit-quoting someone you just take a screencap and then use big black boxes to cover the posts in between.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Also, you can't say Mass Effect disproves my point, because it's one game. Can you honestly say that a romance would work in a shooter, or a Hack n Slash? How about Action Adventure, Puzzlers, Platformers, Simulators, MMOs? Most, if not all, of these genres lend themselves to romance very poorly, if at all. Even if you could squeeze romance into one of them, how big of a difference is it likely to make? It's more likely to take away from the game than add to it.

As well as this, RPGs can lack the ability to include a meaningful relationship. Mass Effect works because Shepard has a voice, a personality. He/she is a developed person with a backstory. Most RPGs have you playing as some random silent protagonist with as much personality as rock.

What? That's not true, the gaming industry is improving in this area, so I can provide a few games that disprove this.
FPS: Crysis 3
Action Adventure: Most of the Assassin's Creed games
Thriller: Alan Wake
RPG: Borderlands 2
It works for a variety of genres, and those were just from me looking to the left at some of my games. But the part that gets me the most is how big of a difference is it going to make? Romances done right are good sub-plots, especially when they tie into the main story in Act 2 or 3.

thank you for taking my post and twisting it to fit your bias.

my point was that people want an exciting and action packed, movie-like fantasy experience when they play games.

you tell me if you're going to rush out and buy Female Executives in the Corporate World 2013.... i doubt it.

and i was not joking about DOA, i did love that game.
it was kind of like a collect-it-all, dress-up thing. call me lame if you want mothafuckas.

anyway, games have evolved past these problems in many areas.
tons of games with deep and engaging storylines have existed and are still made all the time.
its like you're just focusing on what you dont like and ignoring all the other evidence.

Yes, people want an exciting action-packed game, but that doesn't mean that everything needs to be that, you're looking at it like it's black and white when it's grey. I mentioned before Crysis 3, many reviewers said the best part of the game was the emotional storytelling involved, and when did I ever say that a game can't be engaging if it acts as if all women have to show as much cleavage as possible?

Not to menton DOA was pandering to adolescent boys, pretty much the only selling point was the premise of- look words won't convince you clearly, DOA was to cash in on teenage boys, the only evidence I need is the opening.



Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
What? That's not true, the gaming industry is improving in this area, so I can provide a few games that disprove this.
FPS: Crysis 3
Action Adventure: Most of the Assassin's Creed games
Thriller: Alan Wake
RPG: Borderlands 2
It works for a variety of genres, and those were just from me looking to the left at some of my games. But the part that gets me the most is how big of a difference is it going to make? Romances done right are good sub-plots, especially when they tie into the main story in Act 2 or 3.

But here's the thing, what is the likelihood that most gamers are going to focus on these romances, or even care. True, Assassin's Creed probably couldn't have done without the romance subplot, but it all came to a head in Brotherhood. Any and all relationships in the Animus were a bit superfluous in my eyes. Also, Borderlands 2. The only real romantic relationship in that was between Lilith and Roland, and that was developed before the game, and I didn't really care for it. It added to the game in the late stages of the story, but I cared more about Lilith than the actual relationship (Only because she was the character I used in the original Borderlands).
And about FPS games, how many gamers do you know that play FPSs for the deep and meaningful story/romance subplot? How many do think would even notice the romance, unless it's thrown in their face?


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
:rofl: Ok, I can't believe this exists.

1. I agree with anything Titmar has said in this thread.
2. Men are portrayed unrealistic also, how many guys that you know look like Marcus Fenix.
3. I don't give a shit about romance in video games, but if its been done right it was done right in Mass Effect.
4. One of my favorite video game series is Saints Row. Shaundi is a great character with a great nude easter egg.
5. One reason I like video games because in most cases its perfectly fine for developers to not give a fuck, don't try to change that.