Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?


May 17, 2013
Hey Forgers, what is your Wish List for Forge in Halo 5?

In the coming weeks I will be looking to create a series dedicated to that very topic. I have my own ideas to put forward, but no Forger is an island; your suggestions could ensure that series is of maximum benefit to the Forge community.

Pour your heart out. I will read all your replies.


Jan 1, 2013
As far as a wishlist goes I don't want or expect anything radically different. What I really want is to improve the current version of Forge we have. This isn't Farcry, we don't need a full on terrain editor because that's just never what Forge has been about. This is of course only my opinion and may not reflect everyone's. I am a forger, not a modder or a competitive player. My wishlist will mainly be things that pertain to forge on a visual level.

I'm going to do this fairly roughly. Bulletpoint style. Will edit later.

-Complete variety of canvases with no prebuilt structures (Snow, desert, dirt, grass)
-No invisible walls on objects
-Remove "Reset Orientation"
-Add group copy/group save/group paste ability for objects
-Bring back precision editing and zoom
-Keep building blocks but expand into larger sizes and make the textures simple and/or customizable
-Fix the "Pieces Shifting" problem caused by 2 or more people forging.
-Obviously more budget
-More decorative pieces (railings, windows, doors, antennas, crates etc.)
-Sizable invisible walls
-Give us an "undo" button
-Let us forge underwater again
-Traitzones that actually function and can be adjusted to specific teams
-Mancannons that actually work the same way everytime you use them
-Large terrain pieces for easy height variation (e.g. Large hills that match the terrain of it's corresponding canvas)
-Large walls that can blend together (No textures, make those customizable)
-The ability to change atmosphere (Time of day, lighting, water level, fog etc.)
-Dynamic objects (Moving objects, breakable objects)
-Sound emmiters
-Make respawn and despawn timers adjustable from 0-999 seconds on all objects
-Visual decals on pieces (Blood splatter, dirt, rust, corrosion, cracks, customizable text, colors etc.)
-Adjustable areas of particle effects (Spores, sparks, fire, falling snow, smog, precipitation, gases etc.) [These should have no effect on a spartan, we will do that ourselves with trait zones]
-Get rid of premade buildings, if you want to attract casual forgers, make it easy for them to link together blocks and ramps, not premade buildings
-Do not limit pieces by how many are in each category, instead measure and limit it by performance on the engine
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Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
Not much I can really add to what PA1NTS said since I also understand why a full blown terrain editor is not necessary. It would be nice to have a terrain editor but I would not expect this and would not be disappointed if it did not include this feature. What we do need before anything is a forging system that makes sense. The budget system is currently ridiculous as I can have 100 blocks and 100 ramps on a map but I can not make a map of just 101 blocks. Limiting by performance is definitely the way to go and I actually think the budget system is the most important change we need before anything else because it currently limits everything in a very stupid way. It bugs me when people say "I want unlimited budget!" since they clearly don't understand why there must be some sort of limit otherwise the game would blow up. But there absolutely must be a change in the budget system. On the topic of performance the Forge canvases themselves should be cheap to run. Perhaps not to the extreme of Forge Island but at they same time they should not include any stupidly complex structures that barely get used. Lighting is also a massive issue for me especially because I love indoor or multi-levelled maps but because of the lighting in Forge, indoor spaces generally look awful. Dynamic lighting does not apply to anything that is dynamic which means you get shiny players in dark spaces. It looks terrible. We should be able to place our own light sources and I am not talking about them damn glowing balls (where their light radius has decreased with each forge) but actual light.

To summarise it is not so much additional features I am going crazy about but the current systems that Forge works on are broken and need improving. As far as additional features are concerned it would have to be customizable textures for blocks. Right now creating a certain theme is really difficult. Covenant, Flood, Forerunner and UNSC would be the main themes I want to apply to textures on a map. One thing that will piss me off forever in Halo 4 Forge is the bumps and holes in so many pieces. I want a nice clean block and not one that some weirdo has attempted to eat. The placement of magnet points is stupid right now as what seemed like a great idea was poorly done. Invisible barriers around pieces and the shifting problem are annoying also. Most of the radical changes that are suggested would be nice but first we need a good solid working Forge system with no bullshit. Once Forge is working as it should, then is the time to add these crazy features like switches and of course Forklifts...


Jan 2, 2013
New York City
Oakley HiDef produced a pretty good video describing some things we should see in forge for the next title: VIDEO.

Here is a pic of a poll I conducted on THC. Unfortunately the website was shut down and the results of the poll are no longer available. Hopefully we can start to create another message that's strong enough and organized enough to be heard.



Feb 16, 2013
Pretty much agree with all the great suggestions mentioned so far but here's a few things to add. I apologize if I list something someone already listed but I will try to list what hasn't been mentioned.

- At least 3 different Forge World style maps Including: 1) A successor to Halo Reaches Forge world with a big waterfall we might actually be able to forge inside this time, a lot of place-able trees,bushes and better looking rocks and a larger variety of them. Possibly placeable water or waterfalls. 2) A deserty Ancient Sandtrap style Forgeworld with an ancient Forerunner theme and a variety of many Forerunner esque pieces. 3) A Snowy Halo 3 Avalanche style inspired Forge world that included icy caves and a cool looking secret inside them ( possibly subtle random snowy weather effects to complete the theme of the map).

- At least 3-4 Different Forge Pallets to go along with the 3 Forge Worlds including: Standard Classic Pallet, Forerunner style pallet , UNSC / Urban City Style Pallet, and a Covenant style Pallet.
- At least one UNSC flying Vehicle for the love of GOD and everything that's good and pure in this world!!
- Elephants from Sandtrap. Better yet the awesome Mammoth from the Halo 4 Campaign!! Make the turrets on it interchangeable (Guass/Chaingun/Rockets) and removeable for some amazing game type variety and possibilities!!
- More gametype options, Example: Only No Scopes Count as Kills, Kills only count if your in a vehicle,The Halo Gun Game.
- Ability to Copy and Paste Structures that we make in our maps. Example: Making a map with Symmetrical bases, we could copy the base we made for Red Team and Paste the same base for Blue Team. (Imagine the time this could save!! This Will give us time to make more and better maps and perfect more of our maps!!)
- Placeable Destroyed UNSC and Covy vehicle wreckage for example the Downed Pelican in Ragnarok and the destroyed Covenant ship in Sandtrap.(This could add some amazing aesthetic possibilities and story lines in created maps.)
- Placeable Interactive and destructive map elements such as: Flood Pods that release attacking Flood Spores when shot,Switches, destructable collapsing tree,rock avalanche,ect.
- Adjustable Vehicle stats Including:Vehicle Health,Weapon Damage and Speed.
- Water that looks nice (like in Halo 3) and we can Forge in it and below it and drive in the shallows like in Reach (Halo 4 Water was God awful and useless in Forge Maps...)
- More fun toys to play with in Forge like: Civilian Vehicles,a boat or hovercraft,Anti Air Wraith,Transport Hog like in Halo 3 Campaign, a Scorpian Tank where players can mount on the sides like in Halo 3 Campaign ,something fun besides a golf and soccer ball ,tin cup.
- Bring our beloved Gametypes back including Assault, VIP, Head Hunter,1 Flag, ect...
- Possibly Placeable AI in Forge. Elites,Grunts,Jackals,Hunters,Flood, Brutes ect.
- An actual useful stationary turret besides the Chaingun. Example: The yellow 360 degree rotating Fuel Rod Turret found in Campaign .
- Possibly be able to Forge custom Fire Fight Maps!!
- I know this may be pushing it a little but.. (A Call of Duty style Halo Version of the Mystery Box that you can Adjust where players have a certain amount of uses. Imagine how amazing this could be in Infection!!)
- If Random weapon drops/ordinance come back for some reason.. Make it to where we can adjust the amount of the weapons can Spawn on the map and not have them keep spawning no matter how many players have the weapon..
- Initial Loadout Cameras Cameras that aren't Blurry and useless..
- A editable screenshot of the map when people go into your Fileshare to download a file.

This was just a small part of my heart and soul poured out on this page about what could make Halo 5 Forge and Customs truly the game play experience of my dreams.. 343i If you accomplish even a handful of the things listed , you will have earned my full support and respect and you will have won my heart and I will be able to fall in love with the Halo Franchise all over again just like I did when I first got Xbox live and played the beautiful Masterpiece that Halo 3 was. I will NOT have to look back and still wish Bungie was still making Halo again.. Thanks so much for reading.

- A truly hopeful, Die Hard Halo fan
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Mar 9, 2013
You may have put it in there but.. if we could spawn object for a longer period of time.. meaning.. after say 10 minutes we can still spawn something.. also - we don't have the ability to de spawn something.. that would be nice too


BK Forger Extraordinaire
Aug 20, 2013
My forge wish list;
  • A selection of simple texture-less blocks
These would be like building blocks but a lot simpler. They would have no textures, no curved corners, no indents, and they would come in bigger sizes.

  • Precision editing
Wouldn’t be hard to implement. Just use the same precision system from reach. That way I wouldn’t have to sit there tediously adjusting the height on blocks to get them to align perfectly.

  • Something better than the budget system
The budget system is there to stop framreate problems. Which is fine. Except, it’s not because a budget system doesn’t work for that kind of thing. Framerate is caused by having too many objects on screen, not just by having too many on canvas. What would work better is something that I saw in one of Mr Pokephiles videos about forge. A performance/framerate bar. Basically the performance bar tells you how good/bad the framerate is in that particular part of the map.

  • Vehicle trait zones
Vehicle trait zones would allow you to change the physics of vehicles, and nothing else. Stuff like movement speed, friction and gravity are the kind of things I would like to see changeable.

  • Time of day/year adjustment
Not hard to see why people would want this implemented. Changing the time of day can completely change the atmosphere of a map. I would also like to see it possible for us to add weather effects to our maps.

  • Bigger forge maps
Yes, I know, Forge Island is huge. However, it is also the most boring forge canvas known to man. I like the variety in the maps on the Halo 4 disc, I just think they could be a little bigger. I would also like to see the addition of a snowy canvas in the next game.

  • Full pallet on all maps
We should be able to use the full forge pallet on non-forge canvases. This could make for some interesting flood/competitive maps + much, much better terrain race tracks.

  • Terrain blocks
Having terrain blocks would make maps so much more interesting. By terrain blocks I am talking Dirt mounds, sand mounds, grassy hills, etc..

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Feb 16, 2013
  • Full pallet on all maps
We should be able to use the full forge pallet on non-forge canvases. This could make for some interesting flood/competitive maps + much, much better terrain race tracks.

Absolutely loving this idea! It seems like such a simple and very possible feature for 343 to include in Halo 5 but it could open up a whole new world of possibilities and map designs.. If Petetheduck makes a "Halo 5 Forge Wishlist " video this idea absolutely has to be mentioned!!!


Feb 16, 2013
First draft is up. Going with written format
Loving what you have so far on the list Pete! If you can,please mention to bring back the awesome VIP gametype! Me and my group of Halo Customs friends desperately want it to come back,we had infinite fun with it back in our Halo 3 Customs. Also maybe mention about the possibility of them bringing back the Elephant/ Mammoth. It would really add some gameplay variety to maps and it would be wonderful to Forge on a map that included Elephants,it doesnt necessarily have to be on Sandtrap but obviously that would be really cool. I will definitely spread the word and tell all my Halo customs friends about this post,keep up the great work!!


Feb 8, 2013
I haven´t seen this one yet:

You really should be able to "mark" things and then pick ALL the marked things up and move/duplicate them (if possible).
---> You could "pick" a building with like 50 pieces and move it!

I don´t know; would be a cool feature...

EDIT: Ooops, never mind. Just saw it in the list.


May 17, 2013
Thanks to everyone that made suggestions! I think the list has shaped up pretty well--there were a lot of great suggestions that I never would have thought of on my own. I'm going to leave the suggestion box open through the end of the month. As of April 1 I'll consider the list final. I can always add to it in the future, of course.


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
I really don't have much of a list anymore. I completely trust 343 to kick some more ass with Halo 5's forge.

A couple ideas that I've had for a while are the ability to group objects and treat them all as one as Buddy had mentioned, and to be able to modify vehicles individually- for example, if after selecting an individual vehicle, we could then change its various traits, such as speed, damage, rate of fire, etcetera. Though I'm sure that 343 will think to implement these features in some way.

As for canvases and textures and the like, I really don't care. I can roll with whatever they give us.
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Feb 8, 2013
Hey, I just thought of something else!

Do you guys know the shields in Minecraft where you can type something in? Like 10 letters whatever you want?

That would be awesome!
You could add so many useful shields on maps like on puzzles, linear flood or ...... There are so many options for letter shields! :laugh:

I don´t know, what you guys think?
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Jan 16, 2013
It would be nice if you could change the theme of objects as we forge like blocks to a forerunner theme then to a rocky ruined theme ect... and then possibly change your whole maps theme to forerunner ect... if you feel like later it would look better
Apr 18, 2014
A totally simple pallet where everything looks the same, similar to reach but a nicer color tone. Also, being able to make our own sized blocks like 2x4 short, 8x8 Tall…etc
Feb 25, 2013
Okay, this is a bit much, I realise, but here are some ideas. The inexcusable, must-haves are highlighted in blue.

-Have all structure pieces blank, or have a default, then let us change the texture as we already can with colour. This should include concrete, brick, wood, metal, fabric just to start.

-Similarly, natural pieces should have textures like stone, rock, mud, snow, and grass.

-The colour option should be more influential.

-"Special FX" should be part of trait zones, should include weather and lighting, and ACTUALLY LOOK GOOD.

-Instead of different canvases, have one gigantic one like Forge world (it'll have lots of space for variety on next-gen) and let us select texture (snow, desert, grassland, swamp, etc) and skybox.

-Invisible barriers.

-Sound sources.

-Fog/dust objects.

-Water objects that conform to the walls surrounding them.

-Bring back Covenant pieces.