Gaming Will the FPS genre ever die?

Will FPS games ever become obsolete?

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Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
So as we all know, Halo 4 was a massive disappointment, Call of Duty has been a massive disappointment for since 2010, and arguably Battlefield 4 wasn't as great as the ads made it out to be. (The last one is debatable though), but what I mean is that FPS has become what people usually associate games most with. FPS have largely been the most commercially successful part of gaming, with CoD having shattered it's own records year after year until GTA V.

Before that there was Halo, one of the most innovative and best FPS franchises ever, and BF4, whose franchise will probably reign the genre next. However has anyone noticed that these games are becoming more and more the same? The similarities between BF and CoD are clear, but even Halo's awesome sandbox shooter with some strategic elements is blending more and more to it's competitors.

So, with the lack of changes, do you think that within a few years another genre will reign supreme? And on top of that, which types of games will take it's place? My money's on MMOs or free roam open world games. MMOs have already seeped into next gen current gen consoles, and it'll take a few years to work out all the kinks, but with the addictiveness, the amount of content, and the focus of socialising, it's possible.

And the second one being a bit more obvious, with GTA V blowing everything out of the water, Arkham City a few years back receiving critical acclaim, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag being one of the best in the series, as well as so many others. These games have less content than MMOs, but they still have a lot, as well as the possibility for a long-lasting multiplayer, good storytelling, and an emphasis on exploration.


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
I think that if any genre becomes the next 'big thing' in gaming, they too will take the path that fps games are going down; degrading into unoriginal or uninovative games; due to the fact that more publishers will cater to that genre. Meanwhile, genres that are taken over, as are fps games in this case, will need to be even more innovative and we will get breakthrough titles that will reinvigorate the genre.
So to answer the question, even though fps games look as though they may be dying out, this just means the better the games will become in order to try and maintain the genres popularity.


May 2, 2013
Considering all FPS games are becoming more and more alike in terms of gameplay mechanics and over all style they probably will be outdated fairly quickly. At least to me. And no I am not just limiting that to Halo and CoD but to all FPS games. About the only thing, in my eyes, that is keeping them going is their story lines (though CoD's sucks nuts since they moved away from WWII). The game mechanics for all FPS's are getting staler than Christmas cookies from 16 years ago.