Halo What would you like to see in Halo 5?

Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
well hello I am here to talk about how I think halo 5 should go or how it will go (duh) and you do the same too 0k so here I go

  • needs to remake sand trap I miss the CTF battles on sand trap and the elephant vs elephant fights you need to remake it
  • arbiter needs to be back (duh)
  • I would like a dual equipment / armor ability system a mix between halo 3 and reach
  • a halo 2 style campaign
  • elite ops :cool:
  • to see/ fight insurrectionist
  • old vehicles return like the copper or falcon
  • bring back invasion and V.I.P.
  • fix flood by being more customizable
  • have covenant style building available with human and forunner as a option too
well all I can ask about right now post your ideas below and like this if you agree with anything I said
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Reactions: NinetysBorn


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Well, first of all, there's not enough room here for all my ideas. Here's a good start, though.
  • Bring back original vehicles like you said. I.e. Falcon, Elephant, Chopper, etc.
  • Give us Forgeable + driveable civilian vehicles! I.e. taxis, cop cars, trailers, etc.
  • Shorten Flood thrust/ lunge (it's ridiculously long) and make it a bit less accurate (don't travel in a completely straight line)
  • Add different matchmaking Flood gametypes i.e. Alpha Flood, Blood Suckers ("vampire" flood), Big Team Flood
  • Bring back Race and Rocket Race gametypes in matchmaking
  • More loadout weapons! Only if they're balanced, though :teddy:
  • More spartan customization. I.e. full-on emblem editor, more armor pieces, more selective coloring on your spartan (not just one or two colors for your whole spartan :teddy:)
  • Increase Forge budget and number of maximum allowed pieces on map, if possible
  • 3 different themed Forge Islands. I.e. snowing with ice, midnight rain with thunder, and original forge island (but with more flat plush grass).
  • Forgeable aggressive npc's. Now, I know the problem with this. They can be easily trapped or glitched on our forged terrains. As long as they can somewhat damage us and move around though, I'd be extremely happy


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
One thing... CLASSIC HALO GAMETYPE!!! A gamemode that plays like Halo 2/3 is all it would need along with classic map remakes. No loadouts. No ordinance. No sprint. Old spawning. Completely balanced. And utterly fun. I do understand that many people like the matchmaking changes and I too, do like change, so even if it is just one playlist... WE NEED IT!
Feb 1, 2013
well hello I am here to talk about how I think halo 5 should go or how it will go (duh) and you do the same too 0k so here I go

  • needs to remake sand trap I miss the CTF battles on sand trap and the elephant vs elephant fights you need to remake it
  • arbiter needs to be back (duh)
  • I would like a dual equipment / armor ability system a mix between halo 3 and reach
  • a halo 2 style campaign
  • elite ops :cool:
  • to see/ fight insurrectionist
  • old vehicles return like the copper or falcon
  • bring back invasion and V.I.P.
  • fix flood by being more customizable
  • have covenant style building available with human and forunner as a option too
well all I can ask about right now post your ideas below and like this if you agree with anything I said

ur third point wont work because there are not enough buttons unless u can only have one at a time
screw elite ops we need grunt ops
all old weapons and vehicles back except for the plasma repeater and falcon (i dont think they would fit in with halo 5 if it feels the same as H5)
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
ur third point wont work because there are not enough buttons unless u can only have one at a time
screw elite ops we need grunt ops
all old weapons and vehicles back except for the plasma repeater and falcon (i dont think they would fit in with halo 5 if it feels the same as H5)
you don't know X-box 720 could add a button or two


Jan 10, 2013
Anyone check the THFE forge wishlist video? That sums up ALL I want from forge. Matcmaking changes would be nice, and INVASION needs to return.