What do you think of my gametype?


Jun 26, 2013
When it comes to multiplayer games, I'm a big class based junkie. I love trying out all the different classes, and observing their weaknesses and strengths, and how they interact with other classes, both enemies and allies. I recently played team fortress 2, and even though I suck, it's a lot of fun, because of the classes. My obsession for classes has made me create my own class-based halo gametype, and I'll go over all five of them. There is infinite ammo, infinite armor ability usage, and everyone gets 1.5 overshields and 150% damage resistance, and there's a good reason for that. At first I struggled to strike a balance between classes; each one seemed to be overpowered. I wanted power weapons for sure, because normal assault and DMR is what everyone already uses the most in regular matchmaking. So I enhanced the defense in the traits so they won't kill too fast. It takes two rail gun and binary rifle shots, for example, to kill. Now, I also set it so shields charge at 10% speed, and it takes 30 seconds for them to begin recharging, to make it like health. There's an interesting strategic reason for doing this. Now I'll start discussing the classes. Also, this game type uses extraction, to add a layer of objection, as team fortress and battlefield do for their games.

Assault: This is one of the main offensive classes, equipped with a SAW and Shotgun. Armor ability is hardlight shield, and has two frags. They are also enhanced with explosives, for more defensive and offensive capabilities. The SAW might seem a bit overpowered, but overall I believe this is a balanced class. They are best used to capture objectives, especially with their shield to withstand incoming firepower.

Scout: Is the assault's offensive counterpart, who favors speed over shielding. They use a covenant carbine for quick distant shield debuffing, and boast a powerful scattershot for close combat superiority. They too use grenades, but use pulse type instead, and are enhanced with dexterity and mobility. Their armor ability is thruster pack, and the infinite armor ability makes them an interesting class to use as they bound across the battlefield with great agility. This is definitely a fun class, being able to use thruster pack again and again.

Sniper: This class is the middle point in the offensive and defensive barrier. They simply use a binary rifle and sniper rifle, and have the hologram ability to fool enemies, more importantly other snipers. They are enhanced with awareness. The binary rifle may seem overpowered, I'll have to test it out to be sure, but remember, they have little close combat powers.

Operator: This is like the engineer class, as they deal with vehicles, and have the autosentry ability. They use the railgun and sticky detonator to deal damage to enemy vehicles, and have plasma grenades for extra power. (I would have used rocket launcher, but with infinite ammo, vehicles would be too weak). I made this gametype so it would work in both small and large maps.

Guard: This is the second defensive class, and has the most strategic potential out of all the classes. They use the shield regen field, which heals up the shields instantly, no need to wait 30 seconds nor for slow charge rate. Also, at the start of the match, it takes a little time for the initial charge of the overshield, but the guard can change this and perhaps give their team an advantage with full shields, but only in smaller maps. They are equipped with an energy sword and plasma pistol, and enhanced with shielding and sensor. The best way to use them is defend extraction points, or find groups of team mates in need of healing.

Tell me what you think, like if it's worth testing in a match, or if certain things should be changed. The next step is to build strategically made maps fit for the gametype. Thanks if you read it all.


Jan 20, 2013
Assault: Good.
Scout: Good.
Sniper: swap out the UNSC sniper for an Energy Sword. This gives them a defense mechanism for those who try to infiltrate their position.
Operator: Autosentry is pretty weak - should be interesting to see how it works with unlimited AA.
Guard: swap out the Sword for a repeat-explosive ordinance like the Concussion or Fuel Rod. These weapons push people away from teammates, while giving user a distance option.