Map Adoption Unnamed Ravine Map

Previously named Descent, this Ravine map has geometry mostly done. The bases could use some more work, and there's no weapons, spawns, objectives, etc on the map yet. Though, I will give creative license with what's left to whoever takes the project on... but I won't give the project to anyone. I need to see some of your work, either posted on this site or on FH, that shows me you have the know-how to create a solid, functioning map. You need not be an uber-expert forge god, but I need to be reassured you can handle yourself in Forge.

Conditions- I will still name the map, but you are free to make suggestions in that regard. I'll definitely take them into consideration. The theme will remain mostly the same. You can re-work the bases or mid sections if you feel like they would work better in another configuration, but stay true to the vision.

Reply if you are interested, and link me to some of your previous work!

Rev Righteous

It's been a long while (been busy, and then Forge Island came out distracted me too!) but I finally got a version ready to show for this map adoption! It's set up for Dominion, slayer, and CTF currently. It's not 100% just yet, but it is ready to get your eyeballs and thoughts on it before I finish it up. Download link here. Here is a quick overview of it now.

The asymmetric layout of Ravine and the buildings provided a challenge, so I just decided to embrace it and went with very different bases. The center building's layout remained mostly untouched, however.
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Here is the outside of the Defender base. Each bases has two vehicle entrances, in addition to the front gates for infantry. This base has the ramp shown here, as well as the cave to the left.
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Defender interior. They get the Mantis as their power vehicle. The left infantry gate leads to this raised path shown here. The building at the back holds the objectives (terminal and flag.)
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Central base. Bravo is here on the lower floor, and the weapon/objective drops are up top and on the bridge. Since going through there on either vehicle or foot is the fastest route between the team bases, it will be important to control.
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Outside of Attacker base. The back vehicle entrance is through the shown tunnel. The other vehicle entrance is to the right by the waterfalls.
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Inside Attacker base. They get the Wraith. Under the main ramp is the objective building.
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Once again, download the current build here: Descent 2.8