The Halo Customs Population


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
A long time ago, I posted this thread on the site, predicting a sudden downfall of our population on this site. I got three pages of replies saying that it would never happen, with not a single member supporting or agreeing with me. However, time has passed, and, while the population didn't drop quite as fast as I had predicted, our numbers are significantly lower now, and much of what I said turned out to be correct.

I will use this thread to track the changes in site activity from its creation. I will chart the most reliable data I have (Average Custom Games per Day- certainly not the most reliable way to do things, but it's the best I can do), and I'll note other factors as well and provide commentary.

Scheduled Custom Games per Day- Weekends
Note- exact numbers may vary slightly between time zones.

January: .....Friday- 28 ...Saturday- 40 .....Sunday- 31 .....Average- 33....(45%)
February: ...Friday- 62 ...Saturday- 88.25 Sunday- 69.75 Average- 73.3 (100%)
March: ....... Friday- 45 ...Saturday- 50 .....Sunday- 32.2 ..Average- 42.4 (58%)
April: ...........Friday- 29.5 Saturday- 30 .....Sunday- 29 .....Average- 29.5 (40%)
May: ............Friday- 29.4 Saturday- 33.25 Sunday- 21.25 Average- 28 ...(38%)
June: ..........Friday- 21.5 Saturday- 25.2 ..Sunday- 20.6 ..Average- 22.4 (31%)
July: ............Friday- 23.5 Saturday- 21.75 Sunday- 21.75 Average- 22.3 (30%)
August: .......Friday- 22.6 Saturday- 20 .....Sunday- 17.25 Average- 20 ...(27%)
September: Friday- 13 ...Saturday- 13.5 ..Sunday- 9.2 ....Average- 11.9 (16%)
October: .....Friday- 9 .....Saturday- 13 .....Sunday- 8.75 ..Average- 10.3 (14%)
November: .Friday- 9 .....Saturday- 13.6 ..Sunday- 8.5 ....Average- 10.4 (14%)
(Last update- 12/4/2013)

Month ...Friday Games- xx.xx ...Saturday Games- xx.xx ...Sunday Games- xx.xx ...Weekend Average- xx.x ...(Percent of February's average- xxx%)

Other Info:
-Most RSVPs in one game- A J Yusi's lobby on February 3rd (here)
-Most customs in one day- Saturday, February 9 (112 games- no link available)
-First day with no customs- Thursday, November 14 (here)

The downhill fall of CG/D from February is clear and evident. There was a very slight recovery period at the beginning of summer, but as soon as the season ended, there was another stark drop. Look at this month's numbers and compare it to those of February, the climax, and even to January, when the site had barely even started. The numbers back then are several times higher than they are now.

These population changes are evident all across the site. Maps don't get as many downloads. Threads don't get nearly as many views or replies. Custom games are fewer in number, and those that do exist receive significantly lower numbers of attendees, struggling to reach a decent player count. Also, The shoutbox isn't anything like the constant stream of activity it used to be.

As depressing as it is to say it, and as much as none of us want to believe it, the halo community, as well as our beloved forums, is dying. And there is no end or turning point in sight, especially with the release of new consoles and the constant incoming stream of new games, which will both inevitably take much more of our population away. What can be done about this? Sadly I don't have an answer this time- a lot of it is due to the failure of Halo itself to maintain a decent population count. Let's be honest- All we can really do now is hope that Halo 5 is more successful next year.

The site itself is not deteriorating, and the site's members aren't worse people than they used to be. However, the declining numbers are making the site more and more of a boring place to be. There's less action, less fun, and, overall, it's less exciting. Custom game hosts can't get enough players into their games, while everyone else has fewer lobbies to choose from. Forgers have difficulty getting their maps recognized. Members who were here during our "Golden Age" in February should understand what I'm talking about.

I will be sure to update this thread at least once a week to add the latest data and commentary. Be sure to check back, and leave your opinions in the comments.


Feb 1, 2013
Why are you so obsessed with the idea of this site on the decline?

Yeah... it is... are you happy? Did you get what you wanted?
Fuck, last thread, we had hope. BUT NO! That wasn't good enough for you.

So here it is...

HC is dying. Did you get what you wanted?

Master Debaytes

Dec 31, 2012
Things to consider:
  • Halo 4 is almost a year old. New games have come out since then (*cough* GTA V *cough*) and people play different games as time progresses.
  • It's the middle of the school year. Most users, including myself, have less time to spend playing video games and going on the computer because they must worry about school work.
  • Halo fans have been complaining about Halo 4 since the release date. It's no surprise it's losing popularity as the patience of fans runs thin.


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
HC is dying. Did you get what you wanted?
It would be dumb to let it go unnoticed. I'm sure that many of you guys are already aware of the drop, but the purpose of this thread is to put it into numbers, and for it to be used as a resource for all of our members to track our population, both now and in the future. I also wanted to hear some opinions on the topic. I mean, sure we can all sit around and pretend that it's not happening, but what would be the point of that? Also, if members are aware of this, they would be more likely to do what they can to help.

Things to consider...
I have considered those- in fact, much of it is right there in my write-up. But that doesn't change anything. The population is still going gown.


Jan 20, 2013
This is just food for thought.

I know that Halo 4 has been a certain downfall from many perspectives. Despite of this, Customs has only gotten better. We have more complex maps, gametypes, and as of recent (aka June) a balanced weapons pool. It may be true that the Matchmaking aspect of Halo is going down the drain. Isn't that more of a reason to play customs anyways?

Consider also a culture of bacteria on a petri disk. When they first immigrate to the disk, their population becomes accustomed, then rapidly expands.
January: ......Friday- 28, ...Saturday- 40, ......Sunday- 31
February: .....Friday- 62, ...Saturday- 88.25, Sunday- 69.75

After the population runs out of "prime resources" (notably space), the values start to head south fast.
February: .....Friday- 62, ...Saturday- 88.25, Sunday- 69.75
March: ........ Friday- 45, ...Saturday- 50, ......Sunday- 32.2
April: ............Friday- 29.5, Saturday- 30, ......Sunday- 29

Eventually this decline will slow down after a while, because the bacteria have become accustomed to their domain.
May: .............Friday- 29.4, .Saturday- 33.25, Sunday- 21.25
June: ...........Friday- 21.5, .Saturday- 25.2, ...Sunday- 20.6
July: .............Friday- 23.5, ..Saturday- 21.75, Sunday- 21.75
August: ........Friday- 22.6, .Saturday- 20, ......Sunday- 17.25

Sometimes, the population will suffer some sort of external shock.
September: .Friday- 13.7, .Saturday- 14.7, ...Sunday- 9.5

What ends up happening is the bacteria creates a foothold in the dish. The primary difference between a petri dish, and the Halo community, is that we don't live off of potato starch or whatever food is there. We can sustain ourselves for a while, and prosper according to our natural limitations. Eventually, the new will come along, which will act as another type of shock, usually positive. Regardless, I'm optimistic for HaloCustoms. It may have hit a road bump, but remember, we're fast approaching the one-year anniversary of the website. Maybe the cycle will wrap around, and we'll have a static number of people. Either way, I wish long life to HaloCustoms. We love you :heart:

Master Debaytes

Dec 31, 2012
Oh, Shock. Why dude? Go eat bacon or something.

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Jan 12, 2013
When did this become a philosophical debate?

The simple fact that there's serious discussion about a topic doesn't turn it into a philosophical debate. Things have slowed a bit recently, but I certainly wouldn't say it's "dying." The overall decline is due to several factors. For one, summer's been coming to an end and people have lost a lot of their previous free time. Another big factor is the declining population/interest in the actual game. Without that, activity is bound to slow down. And it isn't being felt just here at HaloCustoms. All the big forum communities that heavily revolve around the Halo series have slowed down significantly.

Still though, Shockbolt, you're definitely right in that we need to keep things active and build back up for Halo 5's release. We'll be working on ways to do that, but if you have any suggestions you're more than welcome to share them!


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
...Customs has only gotten better. We have more complex maps, gametypes, and as of recent (aka June) a balanced weapons pool. It may be true that the Matchmaking aspect of Halo is going down the drain. Isn't that more of a reason to play customs anyways?
Things to consider...

The overall decline is due to several factors...
Yes, I am aware that there are reasons for the decline, some of which I had already mentioned in the main post. You guys provided insightful explanations as to why it's happening, but just realize that I posted this thread to put it into numbers, and so we can kinda keep track of the population change now and in the future, and to raise awareness- I don't disagree with your posts and I'm glad to hear your thoughts.
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