Halo Tales From X475


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
Disclaimer: X475 is the fictional spartan Cobra uses to kick serious ass and all characters are based off other spartans met during X475 travels.

Hello fellow troops, here I'm going to occasionally post my adventures. Some may be comical, some may be serious. Whenever I remember one I'll tell you about it.

The Death of A55
Often before battle I'll tell my soldiers to make sure their helmets are on tight this is why:
When I was first sent to Reach to be stationed at Omega base I'd flown there on The Withered Spirit. Where I met a spartan named Martan A55, he was a very perverted and foul mouthed guy, not too bright either. Anyway one day we were attacked by pirates and Martan wanted to "Go fight them head on" and "Get some action" even though the Spirits mac-canons would soon do the job alone. So, he quickly puts on the armor and jumps out the airlock, but obviously his helmet isn't on tight and he begins to suffocate. As I watch from a window I see him flailing around like an upside down turtle. Now this is the spartan III's so our armor still had the "Space Diaper" and we were cheaply made so no catheter, knowing these things A55 wanted to go out happy so in his last few moments he tears off his cod piece and starts to go out in a blaze of perversion, but A55 had a fully robotic arm and with no oxygen he was sending pulses to his nervous system quite hastily and basically turned his crotch from coal to diamond. They listed him as MIA, but personally I wouldn't title it as "action". So, in short always tighten your helmets.

When I'd arrived at Omega base I thought it was an amazing military fortress... the damn thing was a deathtrap you couldn't walk three feet without something trying to cut your arm off. They didn't even keep their grenades in a supply crate they just kept them in an open box, If one stray bullet went in a whole section of the wall would be gone!

Anyway I was sent to the tower with a club and my job was to clear out the dead bodies of the idiots that fell off or didn't get off the grav-lift at the right time. See they had a ramp that was an hour walk to the top, but no one wanted to take that long just to look through a sniper rifle. I'm petty sure that 57% of our casualties were from that tower, blues only caused 12%, yes they were that incompetent.

Getting out of Omega
Ok, so after finally getting to the omega the only thing I wanted was to get out. But, I had no idea how to do that. Then I get lucky, the blues roll up in a puma and and start shooting at the gate like they think that it'll magically break open for them. So, the other reds are running around the base like fucking morons thinking they could get in at any moment... through a shield door. I run and grab the rockets, jump to the walk way and blow'em to hell.
I, apparently, was the first red at Omega to get a kill and it was a double! After that I was promoted to Commander and given command of the Shadow Hawk. Told them I didn't know anything about piloting space ships, they said it was red army, no one did. I grew to love that ship, It was a Red Army modified ODST dropship and one of the fastest of its kind.

Shadow Hawk
Along with the ship I was given a crew, none of them knew anymore than me about spaceships, but I had to have a crew and I didn't get to pick who.

One day I'd dented her coming out of slip space and a member of the crew(Tom T747) said, "Wow, I'd be a better driver." Normally I'd let that go, but he had this stupid horn sticking out of his helmet that made me unnaturally angry. So, I did the only logical thing, I flew back to Omega(which was by that time under blue control) and launched him out in a parachute-less drop pod about 100 yards away from it.

A little later I'd learned that none of my men much cared for my decision and that they all liked Tom. I really didn't care, those lazy bums were nothing more than a convention of mental defectives.

The day after I'd... relieved T747 of duty, was the day I lost command of Shadow Hawk. The "team" had taken it upon themselves to help me with retirement and throw me out the air lock. I almost broke down as I watched my beautiful ship fly away, my middle finger erect. My helmet was locked on tight so I had a good 30 min. till I'd go the way of A55. Then I saw something, at first I thought it was a mirage. It looked like a wormhole, I had to use my zoom to see it. I looked in my supply pouch to see if I could use something to propel me to it, only the flag knew what was on the other side but it had to be better than floating through space. I had one plasma grenade from the grenade box back in Omega. It was going to hurt but I had to do it, I activate the grenade tossed it in front of me and hit my bull's eye. I only had one thought on my mind though... Get back and kill anyone aboard my sexy lady.

A Blocky New World
So, I'm pissed. Yea, I'm not dead and that's great an all, but my armor is changed, I'm in some screwed up world where everything is a damn block, and I don't know anyway back. Then a blue walks up behind me armed with a sword, so I expected to be knocked unconscious, raped, and then one of those it rubs the lotion on its skin situations.

He asks if I'm ok and if I wanted any food... The hell?! I played along and he took me to his base, I saw a large hole in the ground and asked what it was, he told me a portal to the end that took you back where you started. So, a blue helped me. He started to walk into his house then I saw fit to bash his helmet in with a stone. I took his sword, and down I went. After this I'm done working with portals.

Shoulda Droped him on his Head

I'm pissed again, another armor change and I was sent back to the Omega. The base was under attack by some reds they'd already took out the gate, and were giving me a pretty good distraction. I jolted to the com station and linked to the Shadow Hawk. I told them Alpha(the red base built after Omega was taken over by the blues) needed the Shadow Hawk to provide air support, and that I wanted to talk with X475. They told me I'd "resigned" and their new commander was Tom T747. The asshole must have survived and they'd decided to pick him up, after my going away party. I walked out the base got in a banshee and flew up. My plan was simple board the hawk coming into Reach, kill everyone aboard and fly to Red Army HQ for a new crew.

As I flew up to the stars, I had a thought. Around 500 years ago a guy named Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind", I don't think that he was able to finish his sentence. The full quote was, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, so if someone takes your eye you use their brains to paint a wall."

I saw the ship coming out of slip space, boarded it and ran to the captains control center. Killed two of the crew on the way, saw Tom run out, didn't kill him. I wanted him to be the final kill. I sat down at the control console... He'd set course above an asteroid and then, set her to self-destruct. It was locked in, at that point it wouldn't be me killing him, he'd already killed himself. I ran to the drop pods and launched out about 5 seconds before the explosion. That was just enough time for me to look up and see her fair well. I landed without a problem, Tom did too. Unfortunately his legs were still weak from when he first gotten fired out of the Hawk. I solved the problem, for good.

And so was the balled of T747. But, here was a good question. What do I do now, the Shadow Hawk is gone and Tom's dead. Should I just go back, back to Omega... Well, to Alpha and be just another Red. Fighting blues just to fight blues?

The End, of Tom T747.​

"Actors" for this Arc:

X475............. Santa Claus, dumbass
Attacking blue............. Jak SoulBright
Gunner blue............. Ratchetdude123
Minecraft blue............. chilisugeema
Tom T747............. Tomtris
Special Thanks to
Insane54, for giving me some where with Halo fans, and the ability to make a character how I envision them, using the language I envision them using.

Everyone else can suck it go home, if you contributed anything it was a headache... jk​

Maps used:
Omega Base (By FREEDOM COBRA 1 & Da Killa Llama)
Shadow Hawk (Originally by N3 Jun, heavily edited by FREEDOM COBRA 1)

As you probably know Halsey didn't have any X or T spartans. Me & Tom had those letters, because we were augmented by Dr. Torre(Vincent Torre if I remember correctly). Vincent had worked for Halsey while making Alpha company, He'd stolen her filed and started his own "Spartan III program". Most of us were augmented the same as Halsey's spartans, with extras... X group was given brain augmentation to increase comprehension and make us enjoy killing, and to give us a shorter fuse(made it easier for us to get angry). This drove many of X group to suicide, understanding the importance of life and always wanting to take it away. They just couldn't take it. T group was very different... look, there's no way I can sugar coat it Tom had a one-eyed-wonder-weasel as long as the Mississippi River. And the women in T group, if Torre does something right, he does it right. Eventually the UNSC found Torre and placed him under arrest. Most of his spartans were sent to Red or Blue army. Didn't really matter if they were ready, if they could hold a rifle they were put in an army. That included R group, who had all their limbs amputated and replaced with robotics. If you were in R group one of two things happened, 1. You became a great soldier, or 2. You couldn't learn how to control and moderate the strength of your new limbs. Then deemed of no use and put in front of a desk.

The Path of a Righteous Spartan
So, I know that most of you see me as a good christian boy. One with hands as clean as soap, wouldn't do or say a thing wrong with a gun to his head. In truth I'm a flagist, back at the Gamma base(Dr. Torre's lab) he'd locked many of us in a room with nothing in it, except: food, water, Red & Blue paint, and two flags(one red and the other blue). At first we were all quite confused, until we'd begun to understand that the red flag was there to watch over us. Unfortunately the blue flag was also there, to lead us astray.Some thought the opposite, we'd painted our armor red as a form of respect to our divine creator, and the blues did the same... dirty heretics. Eventually we'd begun trying to kill one another, simple because the blue bastards wanted us to live a life of evil, and peace! YES!!! Thats right the blue flag wanted us not to fight, or kill, or even argue! The Hippocrates had one exception, killing us reds. Over time we reds of course won, of the few survivors were me and Sino G273. A member of G group(obviously), they were given brain augmentation to increase creativity and form new tactics. After the arrest of Torre, G group was used to make virtual combat areas to train soldiers... I'd hate to have a desk job like that.


I'd been thinking of Gamma a lot. So I told Red Army that there could be valuables there that we could use. They gave me a shuttle to take to Gamma, alone. I thought it was safe after all this time, anything locked in a facility for 5 years had to be dead. In truth I doubted that any valuables were in there the UNSC had taken most things of that nature. Opening the door wasn't too difficult with my sword, and everything was as expected... Then I saw a pod. Near the end of Vincent's experiments he'd obtained a flood spore the offspring of witch were made infertile(by way of genetic engineering) and put in a host. Most of the flood's hosts were failed "projects". The only way a pod could exist is if the flood had evolved or adapted to reverse the alterations in their genes. This also meant the flood had somehow taken over Torre's artificial gravemind that he used to control them... I just permanently cut open a door that is 50 feet from a shuttle ready to go, with the coordinates set to go directly to the densely populated Red Army HQ, flag dammit. That was when one of the disgusting bastards leaped out at me.

I was quick enough to draw my magnum and blow the things "brains" out before it even touched me. I proceeded to sprint towards the shuttle and cut out its engine, last thing I'd let happen is to allow myself to single handedly release the most destructive things in the universe. So, I was now left alone to kill an entire forerunner STD hive... shit.

Gamma Base 106
I ran through the hall magnum hot and sword handy, killed maybe three of them. As my clip ran dry I went through a door into an office, locked it behind me. I noticed a computer while I was reloading, it had a journal open. Reading from beginning I discovered the planets atmosphere contained a gas that caused the inhaler of the gas to hallucinate, and that this place had been taken over by a terrorist group to design weapons against the UNSC and remains of the covenant. The entire time I'd been killing scientist who'd sealed the door to keep their sanity. The plan was the same, just now it was less hassle. As I walked into the pod and fired into space I thought, would I have blown up the base if the scientist were Red Army? The answer was yes, It would look bad if I was reported to kill two of our guys. When I got to HQ and told them of my great success in stopping the threat, I promoted and thrusted into the new Red Army Headhunter program. Paired with Spartan Calah R673, one of the few functional Rs.

End Shitty Arc​
X475............. Tooth Fairy you stupid asshole.
Flood............. MUTANT KING
Special Thanks to
Starship Ghost, for producing the Flood 2.0 gametype

To anyone else it may concern, Piss Off. I hate you beyond reasonable belief... jk
(No completed maps were used)​
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Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
neat idea. like a machinima, but with pictures and text instead!
From Cobra(not X475): Yea, I thought that the forums weren't active enough lately except with youtube and clan stuff. By the way I have part of a script I wrote for a machinima, but I wasn't... smart enough to produce it and scraped the idea. Would you mind me posting the incomplete script I really don't care if it gets stolen or something since I'll never get to make it? Just wondering if that would be appropriate.