Site Suggestions Thread?

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Master Debaytes

Dec 31, 2012
I was simply wondering why there isn't a forum/stickied topic for users to post suggestions for the site. From what I've noticed, most suggestions are posts in the Shoutbox, indirect mentions of ideas in popular threads, or in game (in Halo 4 customs) conversations about the site when playing with Staff members.

Personally, I just message or talk to a staff member directly, and I've had a couple of suggestions already, but I feel that some of our newer members who are not too familiar with the community yet may not feel comfortable performing my methods to offer suggestions to the site.

So, as I mentioned in the title, should there be a site suggestions thread?

Edit: I have already discussed the issue with Insane, and there's a future plan for site suggestions, but still feel free to discuss guys, since I can't seem to delete this thread.


Feb 3, 2013
A bug report thread could also help.

Speaking of bugs and suggestions,...

The forum index is throwing clumps of JavaScript errors every couple of seconds. Line numbers vary but 980 appears a few times. The error itself? TypeError: ele is null


Also, in the Events sidebar, you guys write out SCRIPT tags into each event item. Why not just slap a className on whatever needs to blink and set text-decoration:none? Or at least add a className and then use a single jQuery script in the header, running on a timeout, a la
  (function blink() {
      var nodes = $(".blinkety-blink-blink");
      window.setTimeout(blink, 600);
The "blinkety-blink-blink" class would be set on whatever needs to blink, and would set display:none. TThe "sup-dawg-im-blinking" class would set display:inline!important (or block if your blinking things are blocks). Every time the function runs, we re-collect the blinking elements, so things added after the page load are covered. (We could cache the "nodes" variable somewhere but then we miss new elements.) I use setTimeout because setInterval is icky, but either will work.

The end result is that you can just write out the blinking thing with the className, without having to tack a SCRIPT onto each event item. Clean. Simple.


Oh, and no disrespect, but surelythereisabetterwaytodothis.png. (Look at the HTML pane on Firebug.) :p


EDIT: Those JavaScript errors are actually coming from your blink scripts. You guys are using unprocessed event names as node IDs. An off-the-top-of-my-head guess says that the browser is choking on the node IDs that contain symbols; it can't find the nodes, leading to "ele is null" errors. So following my suggestion regarding the blink script will fix this problem, in addition to just being cleaner.


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Hmmm...interesting, I'm not getting those errors. I'll look into it tomorrow, thanks for letting me know!

For now, you guys can submit suggestions or bugs to our ticket system here: (Help>Tickets) or directly to any staff member.

The problem with the div method is that it will only work one time, the other ones won't blink back and forth, hence the SCRIPT solution. If I can figure out something that works in multiple divs, that would be perfect, but I'm pretty sure that code won't do it (because I used practically the same thing previously).
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Jan 19, 2013
Hahaha. I love how the site suggestions thread basically turned into Stack Overflow. :p

Anyway, on topic, are there any plans for front-page/THFE/Pokephile custom content features? Now that the dust is beginning to settle post-launch, there are a number of notable maps, gametypes, and minigames that I've seen crop up which are worthy of some extra attention. I think HaloCustoms has the connections and reach to get people's attention and bring cool custom content forth for the masses to ogle over. I understand that the site's still in relative infancy, but it'd be cool to see a framework for featured content start to emerge.

Likewise, some way of recognizing members of the community who routinely host good custom game lobbies would be a potentially interesting addition. Obviously care would have to be taken to avoid creating too much of a distinction between established hosts and new ones, but something like a "best rated lobbies/recaps of the week" in a weekly update would be a cool way to shine a light on the people who have so far made this community really tick. A special rank for consistently good hosts could also be interesting, something similar in concept to the old ForgeHub "Premium" rank but measurable through some form of community feedback (nominations, voting, etc.).

I know that custom content features and recognition of good hosts are issues that are bound to come up at some point during the site's lifespan, so I'd like to hear the Staff's opinion of such systems if you guys desire to give it. I think in many ways ForgeHub's demise came as a result of entitlement and snobbery on the part of those who "ascended the ranks," so to speak, and hence I know it's a touchy subject. However, with the culture that HaloCustoms has thus far created - that above all else, it's about the custom games - having a few social incentives like features and a couple of special forum ranks may well be worthwhile, as those kinds of incentives can provide the impetus for more competitive people to engage in the community.

As far as other suggestions go though - keep up what you guys are doing. The site has an evidently solid foundation, and the formula seems to be working thus far!


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Likewise, some way of recognizing members of the community who routinely host good custom game lobbies would be a potentially interesting addition. Obviously care would have to be taken to avoid creating too much of a distinction between established hosts and new ones, but something like a "best rated lobbies/recaps of the week" in a weekly update would be a cool way to shine a light on the people who have so far made this community really tick. A special rank for consistently good hosts could also be interesting, something similar in concept to the old ForgeHub "Premium" rank but measurable through some form of community feedback (nominations, voting, etc.).
This is already done! If you RSVP to a game, after the game you'll be given the option to rate your host good or bad. You can also see your and others' ratings on your profile. When you get to 25 "Good Host" ratings, you're given "Good Hold", which means that your lobbies get a little highlight and you get the title "Gold Host". That number is expected to increase as the site gets older. If you check out the calendar you can see the very first Gold Host lobbies starting to crop up!

I know that custom content features and recognition of good hosts are issues that are bound to come up at some point during the site's lifespan, so I'd like to hear the Staff's opinion of such systems if you guys desire to give it. I think in many ways ForgeHub's demise came as a result of entitlement and snobbery on the part of those who "ascended the ranks," so to speak, and hence I know it's a touchy subject. However, with the culture that HaloCustoms has thus far created - that above all else, it's about the custom games - having a few social incentives like features and a couple of special forum ranks may well be worthwhile, as those kinds of incentives can provide the impetus for more competitive people to engage in the community.
As for this idea and "features" -- I see it as VERY important to keep things as relaxed and low-maintenance as possible.That means that our staff has time to play the game and hang out! I also highly regard usability and focus. I think it's really important that any members who's having any question can come to any colored name and get help or answers (because all colored names are staff), and the Staff is handpicked by me out of the community to be cool guys to hang out with. So, essentially I'm trying to remove the sense of entitlement -- staff members are to be down to earth and fun to hang out with. Remember, Facebook doesn't have colored ranks or multiple features past "Like"... they don't need it. I think a lot of these features you mention, that are very common at other websites, come out of "what can we do to increase our activity?" rather than really thinking through the future and realizing its pretty hefty drawbacks.

Note that we do have a 'feature' system, kind of -- the staff are directed to post "anything awesome" to the Media Stream. There's no inherent 'reward' for getting featured past the activity it brings you and the fact that you're on our front page. Obviously that means they'll often toss around the writeup and edit it around before posting, but its very much something that's "whatever you guys collectively think is cool". We aim to be posting something at LEAST once a day. Also note that all threads in the Media Stream also automatically post to the frontpage, Facebook (halocustomsdotcom), and Twitter (@Halo_Customs) :)

That said, I'm not definitively opposed to it in the future; I'm just trying to give you an idea of where my mindset is at right now, so you can be at the same page that I am :) I really do appreciate suggestions and ideas, so pile em on!
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