Competitive [Sep 30, 2013] [POSL] Z3R0's Competitive Lobby: 100th Lobby Celebration (oOZeroFlameOo)

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Jan 20, 2013
Z3R0's Competitive Lobby
My urge to play on Competitive maps in in my blood. They're something about the intricate designs, interactions, and everything that I love to analyze and appreciate. Back even before I joined POSL, I was testing maps under my own "Review Crew Customs" lobbies. This transitioned over to Online Knights map testing, which we still do today in POSL. I haven't had the time to host lobbies for anything lately, but seeing as you're reading this, I've managed to find a second!​
1. Hit that RSVP button. Do Step 2 right after.
2. Send me a message through XBOX Live (GT: oOZeroFlameOo) with "Mon Inv"
3. Please be online about 5 minutes prior to the lobby start time. It helps.
We'll be playing some great Competitive maps, designed to work between 4v4-8v8. That's why the lobby cap is at 12, so that 6v6 isn't too crowded or too barren. If these numbers fall below 12, then we'll be more inclined to play the smaller maps. Note: Most of the gametypes have Infinity settings by default. By request, or if we're playing a map that would be otherwise too Ordinance-intensive, I'll turn off Personal Drops. Instead, I've decided to play Team Slayer, not Infinity Slayer, variants. Read below for a description.
If you have a suggestion for content to play, drop a comment!​
- This is NOT a testing lobby. If you want me to play a map, it has to be finalized and in FileShare.​
- Furthermore, I will not pass host to just anyone, don't ask for it.​
- Use common sense. Don't: blast your microphone, go inactive for extended periods, start trouble, act annoyingly, ask for anything other than Competitive, or be a sore looser.​
- If you have feedback on maps, you are welcome to give constructive feedback. However, unless the author happens to be in the lobby, please do NOT give it in here. You can ask for the author of the map, and contact them yourself regarding anything you find unsatisfactory.​
That's about it. See you there​



Jan 20, 2013
Man I was so excited until I saw the word "Infinity" :(
Thanks for addressing your concern, I was thinking about putting on "Team Slayer" in place of Infinity. No personal drops, forced secondary Magnum and forced Frag grenades. There are also plenty of other Competitive gametypes, but they make work better or worse on different maps.
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