Halo Rift Walkers

HeadSh0t Hunter

Apr 21, 2014
hello all i have created something that will revolutionize pvp cap ablities.
ever had that moment when you need to get to cover but its not safe???
well with the concept "rift walking" you can
introducing a 2v2 concept
there is one arena but there is a mirror copy above it and on every corner and in the middle sides there is rifts allowing you to tp to to mirror image
this is called rift walking and using this in small 2v2 maps takes cominucation and team work to the max
i have created some maps and would like some testers but the fourms wont lemme post maps something with the link format or whatever it will be in my fileshare for public beta soon
HeadSh0t Hunter going out looking for headsh0ts!