Results from Buddy´s Contest and MORE...

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Feb 8, 2013
Hello to all human beings, robots and shmeefs out there who are members of HaloCustoms and tried to beat my FNC!

Unless you´ve been living under a huge extinct volcano on the moon, you´ll know about what this auburn thread is....
But first of all special thanks to Fuzzle, who helped me out with the thread and the overall contest, and, I guess, Insane54, who gave the permission to frontpage my thread, so that actually many many people (over 1500) could realize this little contest. AND don´t forget adderrson, who had the great idea of giving the winner an unique custom user title. :p

Sooo... As you may know, the contest is over. Nobody could beat my Flaming Ninja Challenge and I gotta say, that I´m quite surprised; and kind of happy for making a map, which constantly lets people despairing, crying and flaming because of the huge amount of deaths :D

I don´t know how many suicides the map took so far and should I be honest? I don´t want to know it!

Hey!! Nobody beat it! Buddy, you have to give us the full segmented walkthrough as you promised it! ::: All people, who replied to the other thread: petetheduck, Tomtris, Fuzzle, top shot 125594, Z3MAST3R, Z3R0FLAME, ShockBolt21, Zandril, Absentduck, Z0mbieK1ller27, NinetysBorn, iSpiteful, Shiralai, Master Debaytes, Doncut97, IR3CON, Professor Pool, Kraahkan1, AzureXPD, bkpaguy, Jesus in Malibu, zzsozz, General Sarbina, Pol Wah, Electricfeel, Gokuadl1508, Cap3llo, tasteDfeet, FloydRTC95, GrmnEscaltrPrty, Fraw Lawk, BlazeDillon, OneTrueNinjaz, 0IAH, thesplatzer, Great Mist 40, Sebasb96, SOLIDSNAKEee, Tedium :sleeping:

Well then, to get past this quickly:
Stats from Buddy´s run:
  • 97 total deaths [ First section: 0 ::: Second section: -15 ::: Third section: -7 ::: Fourth section: -1 ::: Fith section: -7 ::: Sixth section: -64 ] ... Yes you genius: 15+7+1+7+64 is not 97 I know ... !Watch the clips!
  • 3 hours, 26 minutes and 51 seconds needed
  • Most hated obstacle: The ledder in the third section :mad:
  • Picked "Hold to Crouch", "Recon" and a "Visor sensibility" of 6
  • You can download the clips HERE
Why are you still here? The contest is over, don´t you get it?​
You´re still here? Oh my god, seriously?!​
auburn Baahaha! There is another contest!! auburn
! Same map , same rules, same prize !
Okay... the map is not exactly the same, but quite easier; and the rules aren´t exactly the same either [ The fastest run wins!!! ], but hey, the prize is still the same [ 1200 MS points and the custom user title "Flaming Ninja"!!! ]
That´s ummm... pretty auburnauburnauburn I guess.
(I couldn´t resist to call it like that :laugh:)​
This competition will end on august the 22nd
Sweet jumps and flame as hard as you want!! Peace, your Bud.
P.S. Don´t tell anybody your best run to keep the contest exciting. Just PM me! Inbox, I´ll have sweet, but stressful days with you.​

I want some MSFT points for the dlc coming out soon so im going to have to rage quit all day tomorrow and during my period fo rage quit im going to play some mini games and also just to advertise this since no one has RSPV'd to my lobby tomorrow, its called Apocalyptic Killionaire! (Fancy name) so RSVP or dont its your choice. And no this is not spam it's just that im tired of people not RSVPing...


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
I want some MSFT points for the dlc coming out soon so im going to have to rage quit all day tomorrow and during my period fo rage quit im going to play some mini games and also just to advertise this since no one has RSPV'd to my lobby tomorrow, its called Apocalyptic Killionaire! (Fancy name) so RSVP or dont its your choice. And no this is not spam it's just that im tired of people not RSVPing...

include a link to your lobby ;)
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