Competitive Refraction


Jan 10, 2014
Refraction (version 1.1) - This Forerunner site boasts great views from it's balconies of the Requiem's Horizon and Structures.


Refraction was inspired by Sgt x Slaphead's Cryptic. Not in design, but in building in a challenging location, but to have a monumental payoff in the end. Situated on Ravines Forerunner structure, the map utilizes the maps architecture in conjunction with the Artifact Bases to give a real Forerunner Effect. The end result is a map that plays really nicely and looks lovely to boot. The map is a Symmetrical arena.

Due to the location of the build, I cannot provide a...

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Jan 10, 2014
Darkrain491 updated Refraction with a new update entry:

Gold Area Changes and Minor Fixes

Version 1.2 Has changed Golds Bottom structure slightly and made paths from red and blue spawns straight to mid a bit wider. With this update I include Images of The Jumps that can preformed on the map as of v1.2 and The Grav Lift that allows for grenades to travel up it and land perfectly at top purple. Thanks To Zandril on the suggestion of raising bottom gold up a bit.


Spawns to Bottom purple Jump
View attachment 8583

Crouch Jump from Spawn Path exit to the little...


Jan 10, 2014
Darkrain491 updated Refraction with a new update entry:

Final Structural Layout, Weapons Layout May Change

Well, It's been a while since I updated, but the hard work has paid off. Refraction's main layout structurally is complete, with only the weapons requiring some tweaking, That said, I think I am very close to this to. Thank you to everyone who helped me in this maps development, I am very happy with How this map has turned out and I plan on submitting it to THFE, Psycho Duck suggested I did after looking at it.

Gold Has been given a redesign that allows it to be used far more often, and acts...

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I'm not going to give a review yet, because I've only played this map once... but although I see a good attempt to incorporate a forerunner theme, in my opinion, the human pieces just don't fit with the forerunner pieces. Their textures and colours are just so different. I would deem anyone who has successfully blended forerunner and human textures on ravine effectively throughout the entire map to make it look forerunner a forge genius. I would recommend using the artifact bases more sparingly as they enhance the texture differences in the map. Also, they are very bumpy as flooring.

The reason why they work on forge island it because the forge pieces are grey-bage, which is closer to silver than the paper-white of ravine. Then again, all of this is just my opinion.

I can't say much about the gameplay, because I'm not an avid halo 3 player, even though I have the game. I started playing from reach, and I've only played the map once, so take this with a grain of salt, but I was very confused with the layout. Maybe it is just that the textures are confusing. Look at my map, Avarice, it has so many textures and that makes it look very messy, that's what I think is happening here.
Mar 20, 2014
I can't say I enjoyed playing on this map (but only because I was getting slaughtered). It actually worked really well for 3v3. I like a really fast-paced slayer map although any more players and it might just get too hectic. Overall though good map hope to play again many times in the future :)


Jan 10, 2014
Darkrain491 updated Refraction with a new update entry:

Finalized Version!

Hello Everyone! I am pleased to say as far as Refraction is concerned, This is the final version. Any future updates will be related to weapons, spawning or gametypes. Speaking of, here is the gametype I recommend using on it:

Rainy Day Slayer is a personalized variant of GL slayer v3. Best used on remakes and classic style maps. No sprint, 108% Damage increase, 120% move speed and...

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