Ever started working on a forge project only to sit there for an hour spinning pieces around aimlessly not knowing what you're really doing? Although that question was rhetorical I'm sure most of us out there would answer with a resounding yes, I know I would.
Naturally the next stage is to take a step back, become inspired and let your creative juices flow by drawing/doodling a rough sketch of a map layout, a blueprint of sorts.
Unfortunately many of us can find this difficult (myself included) but is an important part of the forging process as it gives you a starting point, something to work from then tweak extensively into something truly special.
That's where this resource I've put together hopes to help. Compiled in this thread is a top down map for every official Halo Multiplayer Map and Firefight Map in the series to offer as inspiration for your future forge projects as well as an insight on how to map 2D blueprints in case you've been sat there with no clue.
All the content here has come from official sources, mostly from various licensed strategy guides. Lovingly scanned, cropped and stored in one place. More information on all sources used can be found at the bottom of this post and I hope you feel the same way as I do when I recommend picking up physical copies of you own (purchase links will be provided) for all the games covered that you plan to use this resource for. It's worth noting that by purchasing the respective guides will gain you excellent gameplay strategies, information on spawn times, objective locations and much more for many of the maps shown here as well as making for great collectables and an thoroughly interesting read.
All of the Content here is categorised into individual games of the Halo series separated into sections of where each map was first seen. each one of these sections will have there own individual post which can be jumped to from the title of each section the list below. You can also jump back to this post on the "back to top" links upon each section.
Due to the latest forging platform being Halo 5 Guardians where this resource will hopefully come into it's own and be fully utilised, Halo 5 content will NOT be added here until it's successor is released (or in the run up to it's release). A preview of what the overhead maps included in the Halo 5 Guardians Prima Guide will look like is available on Halo Waypoint and a digital version of the full guide can be pre-ordered here for $9.99 if you want access to those maps ASAP.
I sincerely hope that this resource helps many of you in the production of your future projects.
Halo CE Maps
- Battle Creek
- Blood Gulch
- Boarding Action
- Chill Out
- Chiron TL-34
- Damnation
- Derelict
- Hang 'Em High
- Longest
- Prisoner
- Rat Race
- Sidewinder
- Wizard
- Danger Canyon
- Death Island
- Gephyrophobia
- Ice Fields
- Infinity
- Timberland
- Ascension
- Beaver Creek
- Burial Mounds
- Coagulation
- Colossus
- Gemini
- Headlong
- Ivory Tower
- Lockout
- Miship
- Waterworks
- Zanzibar
- Backwash
- Containment
- Desolation
- Elongation
- Foundation
- Relic
- Sanctuary
- Terminal
- Tombstone
- Turf
- Warlock
- District
- Uplift
- Bloodline
- Lockdown
- Remnant
- Shrine
- Stonetown
- Warlord
- Zenith
- Construct
- Epitaph
- Guardian
- High Ground
- Isolation
- Last Resort
- Narrows
- Sandtrap
- Snowbound
- The Pit
- Valhalla
- Assembly
- Avalanche
- Blackout
- Citadel
- Cold Storage
- Foundry
- Ghost Town
- Heretic
- Longshore
- Orbital
- Rats Nest
- Sandbox
- Standoff
- Alpha Site
- Chasm Ten
- Crater
- Last Exit
- Lost Platoon
- Rally Point
- Security Zone
- Windward
- Asylum
- Atom*
- Boardwalk
- Boneyard
- Cliffhanger*
- Countdown
- Hemorrhage
- Paradiso
- Pinnacle
- Powerhouse
- Reflection
- Spire
- Sword Base
- The Cage
- Zealot
Halo: Reach DLC Maps
- Anchor 9
- Battle Canyon
- Breakneck
- Breakpoint
- Condemned
- Highlands
- High Noon
- Penance
- Ridgeline
- Solitary
- Tempest
- Beachhead
- Corvette
- Courtyard
- Glacier
- Holdout
- Installation 04
- Outpost
- Overlook
- Unearthed
- Waterfront
- Abandon
- Adrift
- Complex
- Exile
- Haven
- Longbow
- Meltdown
- Ragnarok
- Solace
- Vortex
- Daybreak
- Harvest
- Landfall
- Monolith
- Outcast
- Perdition
- Pitfall
- Shatter*
- Skyline*
- Vertigo*
- Wreckage*
- Halo 1 - 4 (TMCC content) - The Master Chief Collection Multiplayer Map Book (US Purchase Link / UK Bundle Purchase Link)
- Remnant (H2A Map) - Blueprint of map screen-capped from loading screen in game then edited with added colours and callouts myself
- Halo 3: ODST Firefight Maps - Halo 3: ODST: Prima's Official Game Guide (US Purchase Link / UK Purchase Link)
- Halo: Reach Maps - Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary Signature Series Guide (US Purchase Link / UK Purchase Link)