Competitive Opal


Just Another Guru
Jan 17, 2013
Opal (version 1.0) - An abstract space in Erosion built for hectic small team battles.

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Jan 20, 2013

“Opal” (Competitive)
HaloCustoms Review Crew – Official Review
Overall Score: 3.25/5 --> 3/5 stars

Gameplay (3/5):
Assessing the gameplay of Opal was not easy. I have conferred with players of many different preferences, as my own did not and does not agree with the map's concept. I'd say it certainly gives a solid experience, but I don't believe it has stood the test of time with comparison to other maps I have reviewed. This map does not play "best" with either 2 or 4 players -- they play equally "well", but that level of wellness is hedged by the format of the map. In a 1v1 scenario, players may feel overwhelmed by the size of the map. With 2v2, the space of the map isn't segmented enough to where one would feel like they can develop a footing in a general area. I would contend that a huge component of this is the side closest to the edge of the cliff. Even though the map is not in an atrium format, there should really be more segmentation to split it up into maybe two or three unique locales, rather than accommodating an elongated and elevated path around the side. Despite these downfalls, the map is still unique due to its asymmetry and the canvas diversity. I think that if the map were to be reassessed, much of it could be kept. However, when the "problem area" essentially covers a good one-third of the map, it needs some work.

Aesthetics (4/5):
They look pretty good. Especially for the time of its creation, Opal has a good feel for the aesthetic thematic of the Erosion template. The asymmetry makes it easy from a competitive standpoint to make callouts, despite a definitive description of the locale. Even though the map doesn't have an atrium form, it would still be convenient to use color in a general area. Sometimes, one can get lost in all the brown.

Mechanics (3/5):
I tried to separate the mechanics from the gameplay score, but they have some codependency. Especially with 2v2, the spawn system still placed players in eminent danger. On multiple occasions, there were many "revenge" killing sessions back-and-forth; Team A would kill Team B, but B respawned and killed A (weakened from the previous fight), and the cycle continues on the inverse. Additionally, two other elements of the map would qualify as mechanical oversight. The first was the water death pit in the center. Some maneuvers were simply too inconsistent about that region, and the penalty was death. Careful consideration of death pits is always necessary. The second issue was the ability to get stuck, between a rock and the wall that was supposed to define the exterior limits of the map. It has been repeated multiple times.