[Mar 23, 2013] Cooliest Testing Guild (Gwam Lam)

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Jan 12, 2013
The Cooliest Testing Guild
Okay so I'm always making maps and I need help testing them.
That's where you come in. You can join my lobby and test them with me.
And I'm sure you have maps you'd like tested too. So we'll do that too.
So come, sit back, grab a HAMSTER and enjoy.
Lobby Rules:
1. No Party Chat. You must be in game chat.
2. No asking for lead. If you ask more than 3 times you'll be kicked.
3. Must msg me with correct Inv.
4. No negative behavior!
5. Don't be mean. Be nice. :)
How to join:
1. Click yes to RSVP
2. Send me a message the day of saying "Cooliest Inv"
3. Sit back with Hamster and enjoy.
4. Come back here and give a good rating.
People that rate well will get into My Map Testers Guild
What Does That Mean?
It means you will be awarded the chance to get 2 maps you need tested into the
next lobby. You must send them to me in advance. Only those in my map testers guild get to send me maps for testing.
So Rate Well.
This weeks map testers are:
Fragsterbait- (The Wedge & Garden of the Gods)
like a pro (Phalanx & When Pigs Fly)
Indie Anthias

This lobby will be held bi-weekly.
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