[Jun 8, 2013] Halo Blueprints - Weekly Customs (PunxsutawnyFil)

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Jan 10, 2013

Halo Blueprints – Weekly Halo 4 Customs
Halo Blueprints is a YouTube channel that showcases quality Halo 4 maps through well edited trailers. Our weekly custom lobbies give fans and players a chance to play and test maps before they are featured on YouTube as well as enjoy games ranging from mini-games to competitive slayer.
Here are a couple of things you need to know:
  • The lobby is every Saturday. 4:15PM - 6:15PM US Eastern time
  • Players will not be kicked for other players; however, they will be kicked for not following directions.
  • Try to win. Don’t purposely screw your team over.
  • Don’t invite friends without asking the host first.
  • Game styles will be mixed up to avoid redundancy.
  • Just have a great time!
(in no particular order)
-New Valentina
-Ro Sham Bo
-Husky Raid
-Warthog Chase
-Drag Race
And more…
Game styles will be mixed up to avoid redundancy.
How to join at start
  1. Create a new message
  2. Select “Private Chat Invite”
  3. Enter the Gamertag of the host (usually PunxsutawnyFil)
  4. Send the invite
  5. Select the pending chat
  6. Select “View Profile”
  7. Select “Join Session in Progress”
How to join later
  1. Create a new message
  2. Enter the Gamertag of the host (usually PunxsutawnyFil)
  3. Type “invite”
  4. Send the message
You will be invited when more players are needed. Players that message the host first will be invited first.
Tell us how we’re doing by rating the lobby once it expires. We love feedback!
Stay connected
Keep in touch with HaloBlueprints!
- YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HaloBlueprints/about
- Website: http://www.haloblueprints.webeden.co.uk/#
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