Competitive [Jun 21, 2013] [POSL] Sin's Competitive Lobby (Sinonitsuj)

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Hi everyone This week we will be playing both The Bronze and Silver AND Gold Map packs. So lets enjoy it together shall we? But that's not all I also have another map I have been working pretty hard time whenever I could catch a break between studies. If you like fast and frantic fighting, this map will not disappoint you.

Wait! I still have more to share. We will also be playing a few competetive maps from right here on Halo customs. So I will be bringing not only my maps, though they be many, but also some other forgers awesome maps that honestly i have wanted to play on for a while.

No I'm not done YET! Now obviously I can't play a community playlist without inviting people to bring maps along. Now I have 10 slots available for Community Maps I do not have listed below. Please RSVP and tell me which map your bringing. It does not have to be your own merely tell who it is and I'll download it. Please consider these standards when selecting a map to bring. It helps keep the lobby happy and moving onward to battle. IF all slots are full don't worry we'll put it on the reserved list. If slots are not filled I'll fill them. So come ready for a massive selection.

Starting from the top we will be playing in no particular order​
My Maps
Delta Drain v2,
Azec v2.1,
Observation Post v2,
Industrial Plaza,
Choza City Plaza,
Hillside compound,
New Terra
Maps up Premier
Avalon v1,
Build 12 v1,
Adamant v1,
The Core v01,
Ravinasa V1
Water Works v0.8
Theia Pipeline v1
Community Maps
Flames to the west,​
Flames to the northeast,​

Slot 1​
Slot 2​
Slot 3​
Slot 4​
Slot 5​
Slot 6​
Slot 7​
Slot 8​
Slot 9​
Slot 10​
Reserve Maps:​
Slot 1​
Slot 2​
Slot 3​
Slot 4​
Slot 5​
Slot 6​
Slot 7​
Slot 8​
A couple of things to note in no particular order!

Leader will not be passed. Please do not ask for it. If you have a map you want to play please put it on your file share.

If your a dick expect to be kicked. I will not put up with it. I have maps for smaller lobbies if it comes to it.

If you have a valid complaint I will take note of it but don't drag down the lobby with constant complaining. please note criticism is not the same as complaining. Complaining is "This map sucks" "I hate my life" "I would do better as a host." Criticism is "If you did this instead things would be better" If you don't see the difference do not RSVP. Its a waste of everyone's time.

This is a casual competitive lobby, chances are low we will play mini games. if you want mini games go to a mini games lobby.

Have FUN!!!!!! Life can be hard and sometimes you just need to shoot somebody. well do it here in a fun customs lobby.

If the map is not playing well I reserve the right to end the game early. This does not mean losing. I lose a lot but I still have fun. I am talking about major exploits and unfair game play.

I will be looking for 25+ Maps that look good and play good. IF you have one bring it.

We will be playing forge Island maps. Its free! and if you don't got it you get to pay me 5 Euros.

P.S. You don't have to bring a map.​
Feb 25, 2013
Map name: Alienation

Game mode: I'll let you know when it's done.

Gamertag: NOBLE E 2552.

Not done yet, but it will be by Thursday. Are you accepting Flood maps as well?
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