Is Halo Customs Dying?

Are you having difficulty getting a decent lobby size? (Only answer if you have hosted recently)

  • Yes, I have had difficulty

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • No, it's easy

    Votes: 20 76.9%

  • Total voters


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
The Fall of an Empire

Halo customs was once a great kingdom where halo players could always find a good custom lobby to join. Players who created custom lobbies would find a generous amount of players in their games, and, with a large party size, could enjoy their customs to its full extent.

When I joined in February, there were always plenty of lobbies to join. When I created my own lobbies, I never had trouble filling up my lobbies, and we always had a great time. But to today, times have changed. It's not nearly as easy to create or get into a good custom lobby. I've punched in a few numbers and gathered some statistical data to prove this point.

The Calculations

Average Number of Customs per day
January:.. Friday- 28, ...Saturday- 40, .....Sunday- 31
February: Friday- 62, ...Saturday- 88.25, Sunday- 69.75
March:.... Friday- 45,... Saturday- 50, ......Sunday- 32.2
April: .......Friday- 29.5, Saturday- 30, ......Sunday- 29

Analysis of these numbers portrays a clear message. The Golden Age of Halo Customs is over. Look at us today. There were more available customs back in January, which was the first actual month of Halo Customs. Even though the first week of January had basically no customs, the month's average is still higher than this month.

I punched the numbers for Friday into a Quadratic Regression function in a graphing calculator to find the curve of best fit (y=.75x^2 - 19.25x + 80.5). The graph it showed me suggested that if the numbers continue to decrease at this rate, there will be no more Friday customs by Month 6.26, which is around June 8.

Another method of calculating the decrease is to measure the average rate at which the numbers go down (For Friday, starting from February, the number decreases to, on average, 69 percent each month). It suggests that by June there will be, on average, only 14 friday customs to choose from, and that number will decrease to only one custom by january of next year.

I also calculated using a third method, which is like the second, but more complex. This one anticipates future change in rate of decrease by calculating how the rate has changed so far. The results suggest a darker future- only 9 customs per Friday by June, and only one available custom per Friday as soon as August.

However, because there are only a few numbers as of now, none of these calculations are 100% reliable. But still, numbers never lie.

The Rise of Gold Hosts

Back during the Golden Age in February, most of the custom games were formed by regular players who had some THFE games to play or some maps to test. They would put on a variety of games and maps, and they would often share the leadership, allowing everyone to play what they wanted. Today, all of the populated lobbies are dominated by Gold Hosts. They're those guys with the daily or weekly lobbies, or those "squadrons" or clans that host at regular intervals. They are now the ones who get all the players, leaving the rest of us trying to get by with small lobbies, or just failing completely. They don't share the leadership- they just play through the same list of popular minigames. There are still a few players who try to host the old fashioned way, but they have extreme difficulty getting players, and must host in the mere shadow of the Gold Host giants. Because of this, the smaller lobbies fail and are dying off, while the bigger Gold Host lobbies are doing fine. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

What Can Be Done?

We need more members. And to achieve that, Halo Customs needs to be further promoted, and made known throughout the halo community. The reason February was the best month is probably because that's when halo customs was promoted by THFE. That's how I found out about it. we continue to lose members at a faster rate than we gain them. At our current rate of descent, halo customs will be dust and echoes quite soon.

Another possibility is to add a limit to the number of players that can RSVP to a lobby. Perhaps 15 or 20. This is more than enough to fill up a lobby, even though players often try to avoid a full lobby and like to cap it at twelve or fourteen. Even if the lobby does get too small, players can usually invite friends during the game to boost the population. Without this limit, lobbies such as A J Yusi's or iSpiteful's can get as many as 40+ players RSVP'd. But of course, there's not enough room for all of these players in the game, so many of them don't get to play. If there was a limit, these"wasted players" would have realized that the lobby is full, and would have joined someone else's customs, which would help them out.

But anyway, let me know what you think about these ideas. Do you think halo customs is dying? Are gold hosts and daily lobbies contributing to the destruction of our "economy?"


Feb 1, 2013
You realize...

Activity is going to be really high when it first starts, and then simmers down.
You throw a pile of shit at the wall, and some of it will stick.

Besides, you shouldn't measure it on Customs per month, as I don't host many customs, but I like joining them, and even then.

I don't play halo every day... that's pretty obvious because I'm level 85 , and I don't join customs every day, but rather, talk to the community.
This should show that is MORE then just faceless customs. Get in, play for 2 hours, and then get out.
Or, you can create friends, host without lobbies on halocustoms, and have fun.

In 2 MONTHS of being here, have met some awesome people I wouldn't have met otherwise, who are still on the site.
So Is Halo Customs Dying? Not by a long shot ;)

Now... to Combat some of your points.
AJ's lobby hosted mostly the same people as always (Dirtyy, Chuck, Master, Shore, Sam)
iSpiteful's lobbies hosts the same people every day (Shakko, Pictos, RangersReigment)
When I hosted, I hosted for the same people (Minotaur, Moneyman, Turbtastic)

When more then enough people RSVP'd for AJ's lobby, it stayed at 12 - 15 people, and you know who stayed? The people that are friends with AJ.
So when 20 people RSVP for AJ's lobby because he's AJ Sushi, and the people that he's friends with don't RSVP... well then that's shitty. And even then, they are just not going to join customs, rather then join someone else.

I only join customs If I like the people hosting.
Im not going to join someone else If AJ's gets full, but rather, play another game.


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Activity numbers have gone down recently due to SYN attacks bringing the server down. We're working through it and should be up to normal speed without drops by now. Here's our activity since we've been in beta, as you can see we had a several-day dip in activity while we dealt with SYN floods. Activity will be gradually returning to normal, and we have more things planned.

Also, it's... extremely premature to say HaloCustoms is dying, we are roughly three months old and have significantly higher activity than the vast majority of Halo fansites out there.


Kill-Steal Guru
Dec 30, 2012
I think you need to remember the general size of the Halo community is dwindling.
If you check the daily peek numbers of people on Halo 4, (, you'll notice that the amount of people playing Halo 4 is significantly down. If you compare the decline of people actually playing, and the decline of lobbies on the site, you'll notice that the decline of Halo 4 players is significantly larger. So considering the decline of players on Halo 4 in general, we're actually retaining a pretty good percent of people. Plus like Insane said, our server being down due to the SYN attacks lately definitely hasn't helped.


Jan 10, 2013
Don't forget it's exam season and many will be off their Xbox. I really do hope this site stays as is because there is definitely more to give


Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
We're not going anywhere. We actually made our debut on January 9th through the initial video I made on THFE. Members flooded in, boom! Now, the numbers throughout the community have been dropping recently unfortunately. Views on THFE videos have decreased quite a bit. However, with summer approaching, that will turn around to an extent. Combine that with all the awesome new additions just made to Halo 4 with Forge Island, the map pack, CSR, TU, etc. and we should see a nice influx of interest in the game again. As Insane said, the SYN floods are another big cause of the shrinking numbers. Of course a few members of the community like myself are working on other ways to breath fresh life into the community through massive intra-community contests and there's always that huge internal custom games related project which I've been working on for the past few months which I hope will also make HaloCustoms even more awesome.

Anyways, ups and downs happen but don't lose faith. HaloCustoms is awesome, and we are most definitely not past our golden days.


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
Is Halo Customs Dying? Not by a long shot ;)

it's... extremely premature to say HaloCustoms is dying...

we're actually retaining a pretty good percent of people...

...there is definitely more to give

Don't worry, we don't plan on going anywhere...

We're not going anywhere...

...Sorry guys. Just looking to get a few opinions on the declining numbers.

a bored teen

Jan 20, 2013
If you aren't getting enough poeple in your lobby then you need to a.) advertise. b.) make a better sign up page. c.) go play matchmaking and recruit poeple.


Feb 2, 2013
A Box
im sorry, but if at any one time you have 50 members that is huge. Many halo communities are drying up because of disappointment from Halo 4 and most members are finding new communities. I think many are flocking here. plus, you guys have like 20 lobbies a day, they cant all be filled. Just be convincing, consistent, and creative. You should be good. Smaller lobbies are always difficult to fill i cant really help you there.


Jan 10, 2013
This site is only losing members 'cause they have stopped playing Halo. 'Nuff said. As a small lobby hoster myself, I dream big, but rarely get much action. Any seggestions?
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Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
im sorry, but if at any one time you have 50 members that is huge. Many halo communities are drying up because of disappointment from Halo 4 and most members are finding new communities. I think many are flocking here. plus, you guys have like 20 lobbies a day, they cant all be filled. Just be convincing, consistent, and creative. You should be good. Smaller lobbies are always difficult to fill i cant really help you there.
There have, and still do, exist lobbies with 50+ players, most notably A J Yusi's. They're stealing our players. And smaller lobbies are hard to fill now. But twenty customs a day isn't much- it's just another example of declining numbers. Back in the "Golden Age" in February, there were over 70, and as many as 112 customs a day, and they almost all got filled. There were no gold host giants at the time (Maybe Yusi though, but he was the only one). See for yourself-

Yusi's lobby-


Feb 2, 2013
A Box
There have, and still do, exist lobbies with 50+ players, most notably A J Yusi's. They're stealing our players. And smaller lobbies are hard to fill now. But twenty customs a day isn't much- it's just another example of declining numbers. Back in the "Golden Age" in February, there were over 70, and as many as 112 customs a day, and they almost all got filled. There were no gold host giants at the time (Maybe Yusi though, but he was the only one). See for yourself-
The only thing im seeing is that you are reching your average active member count. After that add you see that the population has been slowly dying. My point is that those members just didnt like the site so they left. What you have now are your dedicated members. I dont think your site is leaving. However keep in mind that people do have lives outside work and games, so asking for 16 players in every 20 lobbies is A LOT of people that probably wont happen even in a large community everyday. But just treat it like capitalism and start competing, and dont give up when you have a slow day.
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Server Caretaker
Staff member
Dec 23, 2012
The sites not gonna go anywhere in terms of servers etc. The Halo 4 population in general is dwindling due to 343's inability to actually see what people want and just put what they "THINK" will be cool. ::HINT:: ... If 343 started to bring Halo back to how it was in Halo 2/3 You would see a massive increase in players. I know out of the 10-15 people that I played Halo with all the time I might be the only one who gets on on occasion cause none of them can stand Reach or 4. Its just not halo. If the Halo 2 remake is really coming out and they don't fuck it up by remaking everything or making it a map pack (AKA take Halo2 as it is fix netcode / run a skinner and your done *these wont effect how the game played / felt / style ) there will be millions back online.


Apr 16, 2013
Dont think we will get a new halo till 720, a lot of work will need to be done getting ready for that and think, would rather have halo 2 remade on 360 or 720, which would boost it further. Be patient noble followers of the righteous path, with the power of the halos, we will overcome all evils, may the chief be with you.