Halo Humorous Halo 4 Complaints


Jan 20, 2013
Post your own! (Just remember to keep it anonymous) ;)
"I have noticed that in SWAT, Snipers, and Big Team Battle, the player is able to shoot through walls. This is not helped by a extremely large hit box for head shots. I have also noticed things like being killed when the other payer is not looking, even in my general direction. Such as looking to the left,across half the map, and shooting, and it will kill me, even through walls. Please fix the hit detection, and shooting through walls."
Uh huh. Last time I checked, shooting through walls isn't limited to any playlist. If you think that bullets like to go through walls in a game without penetration :y:
"Not really sure if it's a issue, but something needs to fix this. I've played Big Team Battle for 20-30 matches the past two days (and possibly longer, can't remember) and every single match has been Ragnarok or Exile. I'm not exaggerating, every single match has. I can't remember the last time I played a different map. Please fix the voting system to where it at least goes one round without Ragnarok or Exile being options every now and then."
So... you think that because you don't like those maps, the populous should always have a chance to choose a different one guaranteed? It's all random anyways! Deal with it :cool:
If that's your main concern... :vincent:
"I found it irritating that guests spawn with only a AR and pistol, basically giving them no long range option. Please consider giving them at least a battle rifle instead of the AR"
Ever hear of "Modify Loadouts"? :lmao:
"Stop All The Crying....

WoW i cant believe how many people are crying about the way the game is and that H2/H3 was so much more balanced....... [ the DMR is OP ...... The vehicles get taken down to easy... my Nads dont do as much damage ]..... and on and on and on so many people are crying for 343 to balance the game perhaps it is not the game that needs balancing but the way you are trying to play the game...

Face it people [ the one's that are crying ] those old dried up old school Halo game tactics you are trying to use are the ones that need a update... if you are good as you say or you think you are these thing that you are complaining can be solved... . THERE IS NO PART OF THIS GAME THAT IS SO UN-BALANCED THAT CANT BE BEAT WITH GOOD SOLID TACTICAL PLAYING PERIOD.

Update your Halo Skill-Set and stop wasting all that time crying.. its much more easy for you to change your play style than for 343 to keep making updates because people think that this Halo should play like all the other ones... This is H4 stop living in the past and...... Stop All The Crying"
Okay mister. Let me change up my loadouts to accommodate for "the new age of Halo"...
Plasma Grenade​
Jetpack/PV/Active Camo​
Duplicate for other four loadouts. Done! Thanks :) (thank God this was changed)​
"Im level 46 now and i have never gotten a shotgun in ordanence drop. I always get eighter saw or needler abd some other **** like speedboost. Sometimes i get snipe but thats extremly rare. Sorry for poor english."
Erm... sorry, just your luck? Other people get shotguns. I suppose they're not complaining. Pick up theirs :)
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HC Veteran
May 2, 2013
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
"The DMR was better before the weapon update. 343 shouldn't have changed it!"
