Halo How do you guys practice?


May 2, 2013
Hi All!

I have a question to all you experienced/pro gamers. How do you practice? And how did you get to where you are right now in terms of skill level? I am a noob eagerly trying to get better.



Feb 1, 2013
Hi All!

I have a question to all you experienced/pro gamers. How do you practice? And how did you get to where you are right now in terms of skill level? I am a noob eagerly trying to get better.


Well I mean, you can ask my friends, I am the top of the mlg, the pro of the pros, the top of the skill ladder~

I'd just say practice in the real environment of matchmaking, for that has always worked for me.


Feb 4, 2013
  • If your are looking to get better at 1v1 shootouts, the only thing you can really do is just practice getting headshots and landing grenade hits more often. If your turn speed is 3, bumping it up a notch or two will help. Though it will take some getting used to. I.E. some bad games will follow.
  • For things like 2 flag and oddball. It is alot about positioning and team coordination.
  • Also find a setup or 2 that you like and get good with it. (now i dont mean use an AR on Ragnorok)
  • Another thing is to be observant of how you are dying. Like you ran into a group of 3 and tried to kill them all or you run across an open space without checking the ideal sniper locations or maybe the other guy just out played you. stuff like that
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Feb 15, 2013
The Netherlands
Play a lot of matchmaking Rumble Pit, Multi-team and Team Objective. For me playing these playlists really help improving. If you're looking to improve your aim play a lot of SWAT, since one bullet in the head kills you have to aim much more than you would do in any other playlist..
I think it's important to play with people just a notch or two better than you on a consistent bases.

Also, in slayer, don't die. I say that and most people think I'm joking, but it's true. If you play every game like you're trying to get a perfection you'll do so much better overall.

Only choose gun battles you know you'll win:
*Shoot the guy that isn't looking at your position
*Never go to a fight out numbered
*Analyze the what weapon the other player probably has. If the player runs around the corner then doubles back I'm assuming he has a shotgun, and I don't follow.
*If your about to die/will probably die then retreat. Let your teammate who has full shield finish the fight.
*Don't be a hero
*Don't trade kills. It doesn't help your team to AR to Melee and trade kills.
*Don't go for revenge. I know the player just killed you, and you know exactly where he is. He already killed you once he'll do it again. I can't tell you how many times I'll set someone up knowing they are going to come looking for me at the same spot.
*Set a trap. The opposite of above. If you kill someone stick around the scene. The worse player will come looking for you over and over again.

And everyone is good at the sniper. Stop fighting over it.


May 2, 2013
If you want to get better at shooting/aiming generally, 1v1 matches against a good/decent player is a good way to do this.

And once you're feeling more confident in your skills try matchmaking and work on being good while playing with teammates.
You mean in Octagon? or a normal map will do?


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Also, try a variety of different gametypes. Don't just play big team over and over again or something like that.
Team Snipers = Helps you get better with the sniper
Oddball = Helps with your teamwork
Team Doubles = Helps you get better in 1v1 and communication
Grifball = Helps you get better with the gravity hammer/energy sword, etc.
All of the above helps you become an overall better player.


Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
To get good at halo, play lots of halo. Simple as that.

I don't think Octagon is good practice. You're limiting yourself to an extremely simple playfield with extremely simple gameplay mechanics, which isn't representative of the environment you'll actually be paying in if you're playing competitively. I'd say that MM or customs on standard maps/competitive forged maps are the places to go.
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Jan 9, 2013
Play 1v1 with someone at your skill level. See how long it takes for the match to end, after a month, test that again, If its faster, that means you are better, If it takes about the same amount of time, but there were more kills in that time frame (IE lets say you got 10 kills the first time, and 20 kills the next), then it is still signs of improvement, just keep up the hard work.

I got damn good at plasma grenades in Halo CE when I went to a friends house and played Halo 2 for the first time (I had only played video games twice before that for about 15 minutes total). He was an asshole an stayed in a Warthog and just ran me over constantly. I became obsessed with being able to stick things. Now, since then, I have lost a lot of my ability to stick players at a distance, but I have maintained my ability to destroy vehicles. So in short, find something to drive for, train yourself in a specialty that you see yourself encountering a considerable amount.

Good Luck