Introduction Hello from PA1NTS.


Jan 1, 2013
Hello Community.

My Gamertag is PA1NTS. My real name is Jordy. I'm 20 years old. For a living, I do Waterworks Distribution Maintenance. My favorite color is every color. What do you think? My name is PA1NTS.

I've been forging since Foundry, couldn't put the controller down ever since. I find the endless cycle of forging/customs to be one of the most addicting things in life. I never knew what a forum was til about a year ago. A while after joining Forge Hub, I was added to the Staff of the largest group over there. Hopefully we can get BIOC somewhat incorporated with HaloCustoms, since they both have the exact same idea in mind, and that is to get a community together on a regular basis to play customs.

When I'm playing matchmaking, it's most likely gunna be trolling BTB or just playing some casual Halo with friends. So I don't consider myself a very competitive gamer. On the other hand, I do take the forge mode a little more seriously. I like building competitive maps of all sizes. Whether it be a Quake style 1v1 map, or a Bungie Style BTB map; you can expect a variety of maps from me. I have a keen interest in making stuff that looks realistic. Forging a simple yet beautiful map is my goal. Some of my other interests include confusing the hell out of my enemies with the thruster pack, breaking maps, sticking you, trying to strafe and putting an explosive halt to Duck and Shoe's warthog.

I gotta say, the general layout of the site is looking really good so far. For right now, I'll post as much as I can here. By the looks of it, the way the staff treat the community here should be a big part of it's success.

This is something different from the other introduction threads, I've provided links to some of my maps (if you haven't seen any of my forging.) These are my completed projects from both Halo 4 and Halo Reach. It'll make a better introduction than just me thinking of things to say. This is probably the only place I will post Forge Hub links. So don't fret. I just don't have anything posted on this site yet. Also, I will make a signature for this when my next map is out.

Vex/8-16 Players
Scythe/2-6 Players
Atonement/2-8 Players
Exia/6-12 Players
Hotel Zanzibar/8-16 Players
Sovereign/2-4 Players
Concord/2-10 Players
Oracle/2-6 Players
Quadrant/2-6 Players

That about wraps it up. If you want a map reviewed, I love looking at people's maps. Most people usually understand the problems I point out. I've probably seen thousands of maps by now. I can especially critique your infection/flood maps. It's part of my duty anyway.