News HC Weekly Recap August 11th 2015


Over the past week a little event known as Gamescom was taking place. There was plenty to be seen and even more to get excited about. However there was some information that some of you may have missed, so lets get stuck into it.

Halo News
I think its a safe assumption to say that we all enjoy the classical Halo soundtrack. One piece that really stands out is Halo's choir humming that unforgettable piece that we've all come to know and love. You may be thinking how this is relevant and I'd hate to disappoint. A few days ago someone uploaded a video to Youtube, This particular video claimed to have some samples from Halo 5's soundtrack and to be quite honest the music sounded professionally made with no hints of any past music being used. However, this information was only backed up be an apparent update to last years Halo 5 Beta. I personally checked the beta (as I still have it on my console for some reason) to confirm if this update was legitimate but, I was only met with error codes. However, in a surprising turn of events, Microsoft confirmed that the leaked music was completely legit. There was also some screenshots of the Warzone menu but the only give a slight glimpse of the customization options that you'll have in Warzone. So without any further delays, check out the video down below and let me know what you think of the new soundtrack.

This weeks Canon Fodder also held some interesting tidbits of information, namely that of some Halo 5 campaign gameplay. Of course, minor spoilers ahead as this footage does show campaign footage and if you're looking to avoid any information regarding campaign then it's probably best that you skip past this next video. For those that are still sticking around, be sure to let me know what you think down below.

Red vs Blue
Spoilers ahead!

Armonia Pt 1

When we last left off the Capital City of Chorus, Armonia, was under siege by the Space Pirates. Church devises a plan to use the city as a way to eliminate most, if not all, the Space Pirates by detonating the nuclear reactor in the city. Carolina, Wash and Kimball make their way through the city using underground tunnels but they're ambushed by Shark Face. Wash and Kimball run off to try and get to the reactor while Carolina stays behind to fight Shark Face. The Reds, Blues and Doyle make a stand in the armory, using it to hold off an assault. Eventually the odds turn against them and Sarge radios Griff about an exit strategy. Griff is in the hanger bay and finds one Pelican that they can use to escape. As Griff tries to start the engines he runs into a problem, eventually realizing the Lopez was trying to fix the Pelican prior to the assault. With little to no time the Reds and Blues try to hide but are quickly discovered, this leads to another firefight until Lopez can be put back together and the Pelican prepared for take off. Carolina and Shark Face bust out of the ground and land on the surface. Carolina then apologies for what Project Freelancer caused but Shark Face refuses her apology and a fight breaks out.

Armonia Pt 2

Simmons is sent to help Griff in order to get Lopez out of the engine. When Simmons informs the group that he has gotten the last part of Lopez out of the engine, the Reds and Blues make for the Pelican. Doyle, instead drives off in a mongoose stating that the Space Pirates would simply follow them if both Doyle and Tucker were on board the Pelican. He then proceeds to lure the Space Pirates deeper into the city.

Tucker informs Wash and Kimball about Doyle running off to which they both try and talk some sense into him. Doyle explains the plan again and says that he's trying to buy some time. He asks how much closer they are to getting to the reactor only to be told that Epsilon, isn't there to guide them through the tunnels. Doyle tells Kimball and Wash to head for the extraction point and that it would be quicker for him to remotely detonate the core instead. Both Kimball and Wash head to the surface to help Carolina. Carolina boards a train and she is quickly followed by Shark Face as they continue to fight. Doyle frantically tries to overload the reactor using a console but within a few moments a Space Pirate enters the room and damages the console. Doyle realizes that he'll have to detonate the core manually and equips himself with a sticker detonator and sets off to the reactor.

As Carolina finally beats Shark Face, they both arrive at the extraction point. Shark Face becomes infuriated and refuses to except defeat. He then says that for as long as he's alive, he'll hunt the Reds, Blues and Carolina so long as he can still draw breathe. Kimball and Wash look at each other and then swiftly execute him as the Pelican arrives to evacuate them from the city. Kimball begins pleading with Doyle to stop, to which he tells her to stop. He says his final goodbyes. The explosive charge detonates and a nuclear explosion kills Doyle along with a significant portion of the Space Pirates army. Carolina and Church climb to the top of the dropship and active the doom shield above the dropship as the blast hits the Pelican.

Follow Your Destiny

Nightfall - Winter's Run (Archon Priest)
Fatebringer is your friend on this one, check out this clip from Jesus in Malibu to see why.
  • Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Arc Burn - Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Solar Burn - Solar Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored.
  • Nightfall - If all players die, your Fireteam is returned to Orbit.

Weekly Heroic - Will of Crota (Omnigrill)
  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Brawler - Guardian Melee damage is greatly increased.

You can find more information on the weekly reset, here.

Over the past week we have been given even more news regarding Destiny's new expansion, The Taken King. One of those details was a brand new exotic weapon called the Sleeper Stimulant. Check out some first exclusive gameplay and a breakdown of the weapon down below.

I'm curious to see how these bouncing projectiles wreck havoc in the crucible. I can already feel the salt flowing. You can also check out the Game Informer article regarding the Sleep Simulant for a full break down of the weapon and how it came to be.

There was also an interview with creative director Luke Smith and executive producer Mark Noseworthy. This Game Informer Interview goes a little more into the design talk about The Taken King as well as talking about the Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6 and how Eris is a Hunter? There are some interesting tidbits in there so be sure to check that out.

There was also a hotfix released today which is meant to patch the drop rate for the Husk of the Pit. You can check the full patch notes by clicking here.

For all you Filthy Casuals out there*
*Or a monument to all your sins, in case casual games aren't your cup of tea

Addy: Another week, another sale. If you haven't gathered by the above promiscuous title, this weeks sale consists of more laid back casual games for the most part. On the Xbox One this week I'd like to recommend Max: The Curse of Brotherhood. Being a cheaper "XBLA" style platformer, at 80% off it represents excellent value. Many of you may already own this title as it was the 2nd ever Games With Gold title on Xbox One, so check in case you already have it in your library! :)

Over on the Xbox 360 I'm going to recommend picking up Mafia 2 at 80% off on the basis that it is likely to be a backwards compatible title in the future, with Mafia 3 on the horizon it wouldn't surprise me to see it's second outing appear as a preorder bonus. Once again this is a past GwG title and you may already have your grubby mitts on it.

One title that hasn't been on Games with Gold at any point however that's on sale this week is Sonic and All-Stars Racing: Transformed, any fans of the Kart Racing genre who doesn't have a Wii U or a kick ass gaming PC should pick this one up, it's tonnes of fun. ^_^

As per the usual you can find the complete content of this week's sale below;

Time to Meet Your Maker
Thanks Addy! Remember guys, you still have 4 more days to get your map submissions in for the squad CTF MYM contest. Deadline closes on August 15th at 11:59 pm EST or 3:59 am the next morning in GMT, so remember to enter your map for your chance to win some amazing prizes.


This weeks community content goes to CMNeir. For those of you guys that don't know, CMNeir is the founder of the Halo Tricks youtube series. Our very own Insane54 even made a guest appearance in the latest episode.

CMNeir and his crew have been making Halo Tricks videos dating as far back as Halo 2, so be sure to check out some of his other videos if you haven't already as there's plenty of interesting videos regarding tricks and glitches to be found on his channel.

Anyway guys, that about wraps it up for this week. I'm now going to go grind the Husk of the Pit.
Until next time,
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