Halo Halo Survival Horror mode


Jan 10, 2013
North Carolina
thats like saying firefight is a stretch, spartan ops is a stretch, the only limit is how far your imagination takes you, i bet a few years back firefight was a stretch for the halo series but they still made it, and i bet odst was a stretch, halo wars was a stretch i mean i can go on and on but it boils down to we've made stretches before. "If you never aspire to be great then you'll always be contempt with where you are"
alright yes but this would have to be a stand alone title most likely and as far as stand alone titles go this would be a bit of a stretch, making a free roam sand box game out of a linear FPS series is just kinda weird
and no i dont think that it would be practical for 343 to try and integrate this with halo 5 or 6 or what ever its gonna be