Halo Halo Survival Horror mode

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
think about what it would be like if halo had a survival horror mode separate from multiplayer that would host a lobby of 32 players surviving in a post apocalyptic flood infested planet. There would be 5 very different environments Desert like borderlands and rage, Snow environment like dead space 3, jungle environment like crysis 3 and avatar, scrapyard environment like Metro the last light w/ misty red fog in the air, Sea environment like farcry 3/ it's own entity never been done before. each wasteland has it's own government city/state and animals, food, culture, and bandit clans. desert has the strongest government it also has the most technologically advanced military which is understandable because the desert wasteland is the most vast wasteland hands down their military is by default friendly to u but will become hostile if u attack settlements, kill soldiers, or join a bandit clan. the main city for this wasteland will oddly not be located in a very desert looking environment but a more charred place with crystals popping out of the ground that is in the middle of the desert. This was the place that a meteor crash landed 1000 years before and had scarred the soil for ever. this city is going to be huge comparable in size and scope to that of coruscant from star wars, it is surrounded by very high walls with one opening that will let wastelanders into the city whether your just passing through or there to stay. the city will have a upper and lower district like coruscant. the desert city is the center of trade and commerce between all allied cities and settlements, the allied cities are the snow city, Sea city, and jungle city ( the scrapyard city is run by bandits which enforce totalitarian rule) these cities are currently at war with the scrapyard city. its government will be shaped like the republic from star wars with the federal government being on coruscant while the other cities govern themselves but follow the guidelines of the federal government like states. the snow city will something like a very snowy city up top but it also has a ship elevator that drops you down to the city below which looks like star wars 1313. jungle city looks like the cities from total recall (2012). Sea city looks like countless UNSC, Covenant, and Forerunner ships melted morphed and engineered together to make a vast city, this is also the only city with a gladiator arena via unsc infinty like combat deck, it also has a built in shield that covers the whole city, this is also the only city which has 4 giant robots to defend itself against the giant flood sea monsters #pacific rim. the scrapyard will have a more metro the last light city look just a little more futuristic but it will also have a more depressing feel than all the other cities, with lots of famine and starvation going around. and finally species Humans, forerunners, elites, grunts, jackals, humanoid UNSC members, and Androids.

Desert city:

Snow city:
Jungle city:
I'll post some pictures for the scrapyard and Sea once i get some comments and feedback .


Jan 10, 2013
North Carolina
this idea is awesome except for one thing
there is absolutely no way that a consoles processor could handle 32 players and other AI's along with a large world and HALO 4's graphics
but perhaps we could see some flood maps like this, and if not then we may see it in HALO 5 because it should be on the next gen Xbox which may be able to support it
still a really cool idea

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
Well my point is that you could have a video game on the 360 with halo 4 graphics that cold have around 32 people with many ai's, but it would require the entire game about being that. it would be its own game.

It might not if it's for like halo 7 the one i hope to work on, it's also most definitely going to have better graphics than halo 4 like every game in a series as it progresses

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
this idea is awesome except for one thing
there is absolutely no way that a consoles processor could handle 32 players and other AI's along with a large world and HALO 4's graphics
but perhaps we could see some flood maps like this, and if not then we may see it in HALO 5 because it should be on the next gen Xbox which may be able to support it
still a really cool idea

I was thinking of them expanding on flood with this mode and getting rid of spartan ops altogether because this is a lot more engaging in my opinion

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
this idea is awesome except for one thing
there is absolutely no way that a consoles processor could handle 32 players and other AI's along with a large world and HALO 4's graphics
but perhaps we could see some flood maps like this, and if not then we may see it in HALO 5 because it should be on the next gen Xbox which may be able to support it
still a really cool idea

this would probably be made for next gen consoles like the xbox 720 who are going to have the capabilities of our modern day pc's

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
Well it could possibly, but it would have to devote the entire game to something like that!

if they replaced firefight and spartan ops with this they could do it the same way as treyarch with zombies or gears with horde, it would be challenging but still possible

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
i'd be willing to argue that
if i recall correctly that's the reason 343 gave us for not having a forge world

i think 343 might have rushed it because they were just in 2011 creating halo CE anniversary in order to stay competitive and keep the gamers attention on the series
if they replaced firefight and spartan ops with this they could do it the same way as treyarch with zombies or gears with horde, it would be challenging but still possible
I have a question? notice how zombies in cod has shit graphics compared to halo and only supports up 4 players? unless you are in one of the EXTREMELY SMALL maps which is used for game modes with up to 8 players? also Farcry 3 supports 1 person at a time and the 4 player co op does not have as good graphics as the single player mode.

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
btw where did you get those destiny pics? I cannot wait to see what legendry franchise bungie will create next.

i typed in bungie project destiny on bing for the destiny pics and stumbled upon those android concept art pics while looking for certain dead space 3 suits

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
I have a question? notice how zombies in cod has shit graphics compared to halo and only supports up 4 players? unless you are in one of the EXTREMELY SMALL maps which is used for game modes with up to 8 players? also Farcry 3 supports 1 person at a time and the 4 player co op does not have as good graphics as the single player mode.

thats call of duty though it was an example they come out with a game every year so they basically just create the same game with 1 or two tweaks if any. and im not trying to let halo get to the call of duty point i want it to innovate and the define the next gen console so i think its very possible, and on far cry 3 were talking next gen console have you seen the difference between halo CE 12 years ago and halo 4 now technology innovates quick so it won't be too hard 5 years from now most likely

Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
Maybe this could be something in the halo-verse but not part of the series. Like halo wars for example. I could be about a Spartan recon team sent in to scout the planet because it rebelled against the UNSC. But thier transport got destroyed so they were forced to hide their armor and blend until they can get off the planet. It could be an open world fpS were you have to find Jobs to get money. These jobs could be bounty hunting robbery or body guarding. It would be cool if the game added a few alien species that are not part of the covenant or allied to the Unsc. It would be cool if 343 could make something like this(an open world fps) instead of just the traditional campaign and with the advantage of the xbox720's computing power this game seems possible.


Jan 10, 2013
North Carolina
Maybe this could be something in the halo-verse but not part of the series. Like halo wars for example. I could be about a Spartan recon team sent in to scout the planet because it rebelled against the UNSC. But thier transport got destroyed so they were forced to hide their armor and blend until they can get off the planet. It could be an open world fpS were you have to find Jobs to get money. These jobs could be bounty hunting robbery or body guarding. It would be cool if the game added a few alien species that are not part of the covenant or allied to the Unsc. It would be cool if 343 could make something like this(an open world fps) instead of just the traditional campaign and with the advantage of the xbox720's computing power this game seems possible.
once again that really is a bit of a stretch
if anything i would leave this to the indie community to create a HALO spin off like what your talking about

Ray Anderson

Jan 9, 2013
once again that really is a bit of a stretch
if anything i would leave this to the indie community to create a HALO spin off like what your talking about

thats like saying firefight is a stretch, spartan ops is a stretch, the only limit is how far your imagination takes you, i bet a few years back firefight was a stretch for the halo series but they still made it, and i bet odst was a stretch, halo wars was a stretch i mean i can go on and on but it boils down to we've made stretches before. "If you never aspire to be great then you'll always be contempt with where you are"