Gaming E3 Discussion Tread


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Well for starters, PC gaming is pretty expensive. You pay upwards of +$1000 to get a PC that will be outdated in 2 years. A lot of people don't have the kind of money just to throw down.
False. A console is always inferior to PC prices per power output, and you can incrementally upgrade your PC as time goes on. To give you an idea, I could buy a factory computer (not even home built, but home built would be cheaper) for $400 that would be significantly faster than a PS4, upgradable, and have infinite potential. It can do things other than gaming! Also, games on the PC tend to be wayyyyyy cheaper, often free (see: League of Legends, Dota2, Steam sales, etc)
Also, on PCs, you are not allowed to try out a friends game, like you are on console gaming. Me and my friends always try out each other games, and see if they are good. If they are, I buy a copy too. :)
Sometimes false. Depends on the developer, but I'd say more games than not these days let you play straight out of the disk drive.
Secondly, games are usually developed for the home consoles, making it a better experience if playing on, while PC ports, even by major companies, can end up shitty.
VERY false. PC gaming is the focus of most development, the cutting edge development has been on PC for well over ten years now!
Thirdly, console gaming has the advantage of Physical Media, something most people don't appreciate, but I cherish (I know your view on it, but I love physical media. Its in my hands, and a company can't take it away from me. Its mine, its in my hands). Console gaming has the advantage of just being able to have a disk, and playing! I don't have to install straight away on day one (Even though I usually install my games, I like to wait until the second time I play it.)
Also, I like the casual feel of console gaming. No files to look through, no real error screens, no sound failure and such. Console gaming usually is very easy.
Again, PCs have disks as well. A console is just a PC with a restricted operating system -- depends on the developer as to how they decide to implement restrictions or security, but many many companies don't have said protection. You can actually play console games on a PC, with the proper programs that get into the console's restricted codes. The casual factor is the one advantage of a console, I'll give ya that
Lastly, PC's usually have always on drm, so if my internet goes out, or I'd like to take my console, when I visit my family in Missouri, I can just PLAY
Again, sometimes false and depends on the developer. However, a huge percentage of games are sold without DRM and are playable offline. Very few games have always-on DRM, as they usually flop (see: Sim City)


Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
I'm going to post this here to get off the whole console debate, and because I don't think there's a project spark thread here. is now up and running, and though it's only in its Wordpress phase, it's still a great way to get email notifications whenever new info on Project Spark is released; as well as exclusive interviews and giveaways (hopefully, we're working on it.)


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Like a lot of others (but not enough) I was excited to see Microsoft's new advancements with the Xbox. An "all in one" entertainment system. Rather than the same console with just a faster processor and new exclusives. Being able to play with just the sound of a voice command, Xbox One REDEFINED casual play. With Microsoft's reversal on the DRM policies, they have just taken another step backwards. Now, we have to deal with what other players aren't ready for. It just makes no sense, give it a few years and consoles will be heading in this direction anyways. "We like to care for perishable physical media because we want to hold it. Being able to give my game to 10 other people, anywhere across the world, doesn't count as sharing." I respect your different opinion, it's just disappointing.
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
I'm in a jam here the xbox one sucks but I want the new halo games
the ps4 is cheaper but xbox one can transfer my same account to the new counsel
then again the ps4 can share games and work offline but halo
oh god what do I do :confused: ;(


May 2, 2013
There are only two things that caught my eye at E3. The first was Destiny, loved the combat from it and the world seems to be familier yet some how far more advanced than one could ever dream of (but apparently somebody did lol).

The second was Titian Fall. Thank God (or whatever religious figure you wish to thank) that it comes out on PC. Yes I dont like the XBOX One (though they did change things to make it better) so I will get this for the PC. Man it looks fantastic and I have been itching for a good mech game. I was so depressed when the MechWarrior series ended...