Gaming E3 Discussion Tread


Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
E3? E3!

What are your predictions, thoughts and feels on this year's E3? Anything you're hoping for? Anything you wish they'd just stop going on about? It's all allowed here!

Personally, I really hope that Banjo-Kazooie 4 isn't just a rumour.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012

Titanfall (X1 exclusive)

Ghosts actually looks much better than I expected. Ignoring the water mission. Meh.

Not to mention Destiny...

And I think I mentioned Halo earlier...

SO excite!


Feb 1, 2013
After both press conferences, Sony has won, no question.

- $399 price point, to Microsoft's $499
- No online DRM, Used DRM, Etc.
- Indie self publishing! (Compared to Microsoft STILL needing a publisher)
- Console specs are (As far as GPU) better than the Xbone's.
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Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
After both press conferences, Sony has won, no question.
Many of the features you listed wont actually affect the gameplay. And I still don't think you understand the concept behind the neW kinect. The only thing that really makes the PS4 better is the slightly higher processing power. Xbox one has plenty of games in my opinion, but the fact that Sony has like one or two more games may be an important factor for some gamers.

By the way, which system will you actually get?


Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
After both press conferences, Sony has won, no question.

- $399 price point, to Microsoft's $499
- No online DRM, Used DRM, Etc.
- Indie self publishing! (Compared to Microsoft STILL needing a publisher)
- Console specs are (As far as GPU) better than the Xbone's.

I hate to be "that guy", but the price difference is only $100 because the PS4's camera is sold as an extra, and costs $60. Sure, used games would be great, but it shouldn't be the deciding factor. I have MAYBE 2 games that I borrowed/bought user out of my library of 70+. Indie publishing is the best thing they've got going for them IMO. You can disable the XboxOne's Kinect, and I don't know what you're talking about "Games"; they hardly showed anything.
Spec wise, yeah, it's better, but the PS3 is technically more powerful that the 360, and they look similar.
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Feb 1, 2013
I hate to be "that guy", but the price difference is only $100 because the PS4's camera is sold as an extra, and costs $60. Sure, used games would be great, but it shouldn't be the deciding factor. I have MAYBE 2 games that I borrowed/bought user out of my library of 70+. Indie publishing is the best thing they've got going for them IMO. You can disable the XboxOne's Kinect, and I don't know what you're talking about "Games"; they hardly showed anything.
Spec wise, yeah, it's better, but the PS3 is technically more powerful that the 360, and they look similar.

Did I hear... excuses?
All you did with that is say how you are OK with the things they aren't including (Of which many I am not)
You just made excused for the Xbone, and didn't include its pros.

Also... The PS4 Conference showed more games. xD

By the way, which system will you actually get?

I am not putting up with Microsoft unless they give me reason that I should buy there console, instead of PS4 (which they have not).


Feb 1, 2013
Which games did they announce that Microsoft didn't?

Knack, Infamous, Mad Max, Transistor, The Dark Sorcerer, Killzone, The order 1886, Beyond: Two Souls, Puppeteer, Rain, Don't Starve, Mercenary Kings, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Secret Ponchos, Ray's Dead, Outlast, Oddworld, and GalakZ.
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Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
Knack, Infamous, Mad Max, Transistor, The Dark Sorcerer, Killzone, The order 1886, Beyond: Two Souls, Puppeteer, Rain, Don't Starve, Mercenary Kings, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Secret Ponchos, Ray's Dead, Outlast, Oddworld, and GalakZ.

Most of the indie games in there are available on PC too, remember. I'll admit that Rain, Oddworld, GalakZ and Beyond: Two Souls all look great though, I know I'll be buying a PS4 later in it's life cycle.

In other news; Project Spark, that fucking awesome game, is slated for at least one beta, and was confirmed to be FREE on its release shortly after the console.

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Feb 1, 2013
Many of the features you listed wont actually affect the gameplay. And I still don't think you understand the concept behind the neW kinect. The only thing that really makes the PS4 better is the slightly higher processing power. Xbox one has plenty of games in my opinion, but the fact that Sony has like one or two more games may be an important factor for some gamers.

By the way, which system will you actually get?

custom halo 5 xbox one (if they have one) if not then just the xbox one


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
I just want to reiterate what pinohkio said.

This is my favorite game of E3, for sure. Other games look cool and all, but this grabbed my attention the most. From a technical, as well as consumer, outlook.


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
One thing I'm noticing is that Sony seems to be trying really hard to be like "hey look we have no shared restrictions"... but they're not really DOING anything better. It's like the last presidential debate where both candidates spent more time talking about how awful the competitor is to bother actually doing something new. Obviously the tactic works (keeping the status quo thusfar is going really well for Sony) somewhat, but SOMETHING has got to change, this is a new generation. Yeah, you can riff on MS for their policy, but what are YOU doing? What makes PS4 any better than a PC? Exclusives? Come on now, that's silly. If "we're focusing on playing games!" is your reason to buy a PS4, go straight to and slap yourself in the face for not just getting a decent PC

I like that MS is doing new things, they're embracing less physical media, trying to move past purely controllers, pushing TV and home entertainment all-in-one boxes, and trying to create a better console experience rather than just a glorified gaming PC. So, the question is, do we just want a PS3 with more processing power, or do we want to try to move forward to the next stage of entertainment integration? For me, its ALL in the details. If the One performs all-in-one actions intuitively, if the Kinect integration doesn't suck, and if I can play a game straight off of my harddrive, these are all great things. I think MS has reason to want licensing (because when you can install onto a CD, it becomes "buy the game used, return it to the store a few hours later, free game!"), so again, its all in how well MS handles it. What I sincerely hope MS does not do is change their opinion and go "okay you need the CD to play games, okay no more required Kinect, etc", because I *want* these changes. I just want them done right, and doing something right doesn't mean keeping the status quo


Feb 1, 2013
What makes PS4 any better than a PC? Exclusives? Come on now, that's silly. If "we're focusing on playing games!" is your reason to buy a PS4, go straight to and slap yourself in the face for not just getting a decent PC

Well for starters, PC gaming is pretty expensive. You pay upwards of +$1000 to get a PC that will be outdated in 2 years. A lot of people don't have the kind of money just to throw down. Also, on PCs, you are not allowed to try out a friends game, like you are on console gaming. Me and my friends always try out each other games, and see if they are good. If they are, I buy a copy too. :)
Secondly, games are usually developed for the home consoles, making it a better experience if playing on, while PC ports, even by major companies, can end up shitty.
Thirdly, console gaming has the advantage of Physical Media, something most people don't appreciate, but I cherish (I know your view on it, but I love physical media. Its in my hands, and a company can't take it away from me. Its mine, its in my hands). Console gaming has the advantage of just being able to have a disk, and playing! I don't have to install straight away on day one (Even though I usually install my games, I like to wait until the second time I play it.)
Also, I like the casual feel of console gaming. No files to look through, no real error screens, no sound failure and such. Console gaming usually is very easy.
Lastly, PC's usually have always on drm, so if my internet goes out, or I'd like to take my console, when I visit my family in Missouri, I can just PLAY.

Oh wait, theses are things Xbone is taking away from us.

What I sincerely hope MS does not do is change their opinion and go "okay you need the CD to play games, okay no more required Kinect, etc", because I *want* these changes. I just want them done right, and doing something right doesn't mean keeping the status quo

Well you like it, and thats fine for you. I don't, and they have to see things from my view too. I tried Kinect for 360, and it sucked. I like physical media, meanwhile Xbone is taking that away. I am OK with them changing everything, but when I don't like there features, to the point that I don't now, I (keyword here is I) won't buy there console. That's why I want to buy a PS4, but I can see why YOU would want an Xbone.

In the end, we all get our desires sated, but from different things, as we desire different things. ;)


Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
One thing I'm noticing is that Sony seems to be trying really hard to be like "hey look we have no shared restrictions"... but they're not really DOING anything better.

This is exactly what irks me about so many people being so quick to jump ship and get on the Sony bandwagon. Sure, maybe it's a little more convenient. Sure, maybe when you want to trade games once or twice, you'll be able to do it. Sure, you can buy used games at a bargain price 3+ years after they've been out; but ultimately what you're settling for is, as you put it, a more powerful PS3.

I like physical media, meanwhile Xbone is taking that away.

You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm not trying to change it, but what happens when your physical media breaks? I've paid for 3 separate copies of Modern Warfare 2 because the case decides that it likes to chip my disc. I would MUCH prefer to buy it once, and then not have this issue. Worst case scenario I can just re-download it.
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