Halo DMR Overpowered and Weapon Mods.?


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
Hey guys,
Lately I've been taking a break from Halo 4 because to be honest it reminds me a little too much of COD. This has its pro's and con's, and in my opinion the con's out weigh the pro's. Lets start with pro's: At first, gameplay in multiplayer is extremely fun and addictive - everyone is ranking up and learning all the good weapons and tactics on maps and stuff. Then its a couple of weeks into multiplayer, there are those guys who use those noob guns but you don't really mind them cause your still having fun. And then finally reality hits you. It's COD. There are OP weapons that everyone uses, the game gets repetitive, and those people with OP weapons - they kill you with know skill. So now the con's: You feel betrayed in the sense that what happened to the 'Halo takes skill!' factor that used to be every Halo supporters line? Really, Halo doesn't take too much skill to play multiplayer wise in the sense that its purely: Fast fire rate, who sees who first, who has the stronger gun, and who can dodge most the bullets by jumping all over the place. Now, I feel as though the solution to all of this is a weapon modification to several of the main 'noob guns'. I realize that weapon mods. aren't really Halo's thing, the game is out, and its set in stone. However, as Halo becomes more like other games, specifically COD, then 343i should also develop their game in a similar fashion by modifying weapon damage , and maybe even fire rate. I've been playing a lot of Halo 3 lately, and although there are your grenade spammers, the game is still simple and really fun. So I'd like to hear your thoughts, are you open to a weapon mod/patch?

okay first of all, no one is disagreeing??? really?! i read this and i couldnt believe it..
so let me break up your statement real quick, you are saying that halo 4 is cod because: 1.it has OP weapons everyone uses 2.the game is repetetive 3.using the guns takes no skill and you are suggesting that 343 should modify their game to make it even more like cod?
I'm gonna go through this step by step and conclude my opinion at the end: 1. did you play any previous halo title? if so you might have noticed that there are always weapons everyone goes with and that are very powerful (halo 1 pistol, Halo 2 BR, Halo 3 BR, Halo Reach DMR) and as 343 finally tries to bring change and balance the primaries out, you are saying that one particular is OP and therefore like cod. having a main primary is halo tradition. even automatic weapons can now compete with the precision weapons on close range. 2. did you take a look at the playlists? halo stands out with a great variety of playlists that make a fun experience for your preferred playstyle. if you think the core gameplay is repetetive i cant do anything but disagree because of the many weapon/vehicle/player encounters that provide interesting gameplay and changes depending on what weapon is in your hands (you have to change your playstyle drasticly when changing from a sniperrifle to a shotgun for example), cod takes that aspect away since the only difference on playstyle that various weapons make is the distance you have to shoot your target at. 3. using the guns and "jumping all over the place" wont get you anywhere if you dont have a good aim, map knowledge, a good strafe, tactical understanding and a good management for power weapons. the starting weapons are fairly difficult to use if you dont have any idea of the game, it takes actual skill to throw a good nade or hit all your shots and you will win 100% of the time if you are the better player. when it comes to powerweapons: of course they are easy to use, they are powerweapons after all since you have to fight over them to pick one up and you lose it when you die, thats the risk. using a rocket launcher takes less skill than 5 shotting your enemy but you often have to take a risk to aquire a RL to begin with (except infinity slayer which can be avoided through playlists). therefore, halo 4 does take a lot of skill since your opponent has shields and you have to outplay him every time when you dont have a powerweapon. 343 did a great job at balancing out the game and adressed major issues of previous titles.
im not saying the game doesnt have flaws (boltshot, instant respawn, forge, less customisation, no infection unless modded, DMR BR debate) but saying that halo 4 is just like cod is straight up outrageous! sorry for this little rant ;)
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Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
Lets start with pro's: At first, gameplay in multiplayer is extremely fun and addictive - everyone is ranking up and learning all the good weapons and tactics on maps and stuff. Then its a couple of weeks into multiplayer, there are those guys who use those noob guns but you don't really mind them cause your still having fun. And then finally reality hits you. It's COD. There are OP weapons that everyone uses, the game gets repetitive, and those people with OP weapons - they kill you with know skill.
Sadly, every game reaches a point where there are prime strategies. This is inevitable as a game evolves and is necessary for it's future evolution. Basically we have a gun everyone wants to complain about (DMR) and that is the "best gun" by far.

I have to disagree as I don't perceive it to far outperform the other semi-automatic precision weapons by that much. I will say that it's better, but calling it Over Powered is a stretch from it being "Over Powering". Since there is a huge discrepancy between these two, I will elaborate.
  • OP "Over Powered" - Is something that is for sure in need of a nerf. It is something that is prominent in every part of the competitive scene because it far and away outperforms other items of the same class. Typically this would be regarded as the overall best option PERIOD
  • OP "Over Powering" - Something that is used with great frequency as it can be easily abused in particular scenarios. Those being the ones available to a player through opposing player selection, map selection, current gameplay meta.
At the moment I perceive the DMR to be the latter, not the former, and is commonly used as it's "niche" is prevalent in the current map selection, although I do think that the DMR can be outshined by each other weapon, in it's own scenario (the reason we feel it's so OP, is because of the fact that either A) The DMR is too easily fitting into gameplay scenarios, or B) the other weapon niches are "too niche", basically, uncommon).

Even still, CoD actually has so much more weapon diversity, and there has almost never been a "universal" weapon even close to the DMR.

So now the con's: You feel betrayed in the sense that what happened to the 'Halo takes skill!' factor that used to be every Halo supporters line? Really, Halo doesn't take too much skill to play multiplayer wise in the sense that its purely: Fast fire rate, who sees who first, who has the stronger gun, and who can dodge most the bullets by jumping all over the place.
Well, to be completely honest. This is always what Halo has been. Thinking otherwise shows your experience.
Way I see it, this game plays more like Halo 3 than Reach did, which is 10X better than anything I expected after Reach.

  • Halo 2 was instant kills with the BR when you went in the open, practically the same with Halo 3 in competitive.
  • All shooters are about seeing the enemy first
  • Shooters in the style of Halo and all previous Halo games have had a focus on "power weapons" and weapon selection (getting the BR/Sniper/Rockets/Sword/Shotty) this was something that created those hollywood moments when you had one of these.
  • Ever since Halo 2 we have been playing the "who can dodge more bullets by jumping all over the place", and the sword... you can dodge the sword in H2 actually ;D
Now, I feel as though the solution to all of this is a weapon modification to several of the main 'noob guns'. I realize that weapon mods. aren't really Halo's thing, the game is out, and its set in stone. However, as Halo becomes more like other games, specifically COD, then 343i should also develop their game in a similar fashion by modifying weapon damage , and maybe even fire rate. I've been playing a lot of Halo 3 lately, and although there are your grenade spammers, the game is still simple and really fun. So I'd like to hear your thoughts, are you open to a weapon mod/patch?
Obviously balance will be a work in progress as the game evolves (see my opening statement). I think that the correct route is taking time to gather data (as this is what I do for my job on a daily basis). You gather, assess, then implement. It's entirely up to them how long they want to assess for and for what they are assessing. I think it's clearly obvious from Zero's chart that the Plasma Rifle is just a worse AR, and that it needs some sort of niche to represent (as right now it is just "a worse AR", that isn't a niche).
Evening out the DMR's power level is tricky business. You can nerf it or buff other weapons, but they need to know what will happen when they do so. If they nerf the fire rate of the DMR by too much, then we may just see infinite BRs, if they potentially buff the BR/Carbine too much in the wrong way, the same thing may occur. It may also become entirely situational (X weapon for Y map).

It's obvious we need some change, but what change are we in need of?
Sadly we don't get to decide or know where they hold in regards to this question, and that is the most frustrating part of being a player in a moving machine.
It's also exciting to know that they care to fix our issues!
Patience guys, 343i will handle us with care, they know we're sensitive!


ok, I honestly don't know what you're talking about. The reason I told him that he knows what he's talking about was because he really did. No because of formatting or anything. I don't know where you got that form.

oh, by the way, the storm rifle does have a niche: it takes shields down faster than the AR, but it takes health down slower. There isn't much of a difference, but it can be really good when paired with the magnum because of the storm rifle's capability to take down shield quickly and the magnum's headshot capability.

Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
oh, by the way, the storm rifle does have a niche: it takes shields down faster than the AR, but it takes health down slower.
No it actually doesn't

Please see here.

Basically, Magnum has the fastest Semi-Auto kill time.
LR in ranged mode is second.
DMR is third.

The AR and Pulse have the same TTK, but the pulse has a wider spread and bloom (at least so I think), than the AR.


Jan 9, 2013
This is all up for discussion and that's the beauty of this forum. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'm glad you guys did - it gives me a new outlook on the game. Do realize that I started this topic a little while ago and since then, my outlook and opinion on the DMR/ weapon balancing situation has changed. Concluding what has been said, nothing can be done to the game without somebody becoming angry. The game was made and that is that. Unfortunately, no changes can make EVERYONE in the Halo community happy.
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Jan 20, 2013
hmm that's weird. I wonder why it's even in the game then.
If all 18 shots hit between the AR and SR at a distance in which the velocity of the plasma shots is negligible, the SR will win out because of some non-understood mechanic behind the pulse projectile. For all practical reasons, however, you're better off using the Assault Rifle as an equivalent as its accuracy wins gunfights up until 20 meters against precisions.

Why it's in the game, well... 343 has a lot of questions to answer.


Jan 20, 2013
Evening out the DMR's power level is tricky business. You can nerf it or buff other weapons, but they need to know what will happen when they do so. If they nerf the fire rate of the DMR by too much, then we may just see infinite BRs, if they potentially buff the BR/Carbine too much in the wrong way, the same thing may occur. It may also become entirely situational (X weapon for Y map).

It's obvious we need some change, but what change are we in need of?

Thanks for the mention, by the way. I did suggest a change to various weapons in the thread that presents the stats chart. With that mix of changes, I could foresee some effective balancing taking place.