Gaming Destiny?

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Jan 10, 2013
I don't know about any of you guys, but I have heard that Bungie is making an all new world as they call it the, "Brave new world" apparently.Anyway yeah so you can just google it or bing or whatever you use.Just search bungie destiny and you can look at screenshots that bungie has already come up with.I have also heard that this game is an MMO that has been set to be realeased sometime late this year! Maybe even on the new xbox which is another rumor going around about this game. Well if you want more machinima has but a video of it as well but to be honest, I have posted more info. here then they talked about. Anyway I made this thread to spread the word about the new game from our beloved starters of the series of games tht this website is about. So yeah, if anyone finds anything else on the subject you can post it in the comment section below. As will I in the mere future once bungie starts handing out more info. Which is supposed to be soon! :)
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