Community Season 4

I can sit here and discuss you being hypocritical and insulting all night if it suits you. Especially since any opinion I express is likely to be met with the same reaction my original post got.
Obviously it doesn't suit me, as indicated by me trying to move the conversation back to the show itself. Don't patronize me. Since I've posted in this thread, you haven't said one single thing about Community, or addressed anything I've said about how it hasn't changed. Or is this thread just a 'let's all just post what we think then never talk about it again?'

Shit man let's discuss.
i don't give a fuck about Dan Harmon being on the show, or the politics of any of it, but i know what makes me laugh, 90% of that episode wasn't that.

and we were discussing the show, including the positive aspects of that premiere, before you came along and told us how we think
Then I really do apologize for lumping you into the masses I've seen complaining everywhere else on the internet. I just find it really odd that you didn't really find it funny. Pierce's small side-story alone was hilarious enough as it was, not even mentioning the rest.


Dec 28, 2012
the problem is that it hasn't changed, House for example, suffered the same fate, sticking to such a strict formula bled it dry of new entertaining material entirely by season 6.

the character types of community bouncing off each other is entertaining, but when its the same general shtick we've seen for 3 seasons it gets old.
So the character interactions are good, as usual, but you had a problem with the plot of the episode being too similar to other plotlines? What episodes are you referring to?

To elaborate, if the character interactions are the show's strongest aspect, and that hasn't changed, and you have plotlines that encouraged and fostered that interaction, then it kinda seems like you wish the characters themselves would change. Because, if the characters stay true to themselves, I'm not entirely sure how the show could change all that much, to be honest.

Do you wish they'd have more character growth?
the character types of community bouncing off each other is entertaining, but when its the same general shtick we've seen for 3 seasons it gets old.
Yeah, I read exactly what you wrote. You say the interactions are still entertaining, and you said that hasn't changed from previous seasons.

My point is that if the characters are staying the same, and them bouncing off each other is still entertaining, then I'm not entirely sure what your real concerns are. Are you tired of the 'out-there' plots like paintball/hunger games/dreamatorium/etc?

PS- in regards to your 'previous show discussions' comment. Im getting dejavu as well. Once again I address what someone said very directly, and ask questions regarding it, and get hit with a brick wall of 'you arent listening to me'. It'd be nice to actually hold a discussion this time, rather than having a bunch of unanswered, genuine questions. (mostly not directed at you)

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sick of all the hate it's been getting around the net.

Wisdom of the crowd. It's easily my least favourite episode the show has put forward so far, with Season 3's episode 1 not far behind. Britta and Troy's banter near the fountain? Not funny. "The Hunger Deans"? Easily outdone by the Paintball episodes and Pop 'n' Lock-toberfest. They may get a fifth season, but the show itself ended the moment this episode aired.
Wisdom of the crowd. It's easily my least favourite episode the show has put forward so far, with Season 3's episode 1 not far behind. Britta and Troy's banter near the fountain? Not funny. "The Hunger Deans"? Easily outdone by the Paintball episodes and Pop 'n' Lock-toberfest. They may get a fifth season, but the show itself ended the moment this episode aired.
The banter with Britta and Troy wasn't the best, I'll admit. But it wasn't terrible, as you're making it out to be. Troy's "WHY DOES THIS FEEL GOOD?!" was hilarious. AND we got nice Britta boob-action in that scene too :) But you're right, it certainly wasn't on-fire. But I'm willing to look past it and chop it up to growing pains under a new regime. I have faith it won't be a persisting problem.

I really enjoyed the Hunger Deans, but then again, pretty much anything the Dean does is hilarious to me. His two Unicorn henchman with their unicorn hoove-hands and them ripping off the Dean's suit to reveal his salsa dress cracked me up. As did Jeff and the Dean's dance. Pretty much- the Dean always kills it. He's been the funniest part of the show for about a season now, in my opinion.


Jan 24, 2013
Jesus Christ, and to think that this is our staff, bickering like children over a damn TV show.

It's not like you guys don't know each other. Lights, you were being an assuming jerk coming in with that post. Essias, you were taking all that he said a little too personally, sometimes one person just needs to sack up and ignore it.

Opinions are opinions, arguing about them doesn't do jack shit, especially when you guys do it like this.

I finished the episode. It was okay.

inb4 mod hate/possible ban

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
Troy's "WHY DOES THIS FEEL GOOD?!" was hilarious.

It was a lazy rehash of "I have the weirdest boner right now". The writers seem to be incapable of doing anything other than pandering to what their constituents already like instead of coming up with new stuff.


Dec 28, 2012
shuman's putting all my thoughts right out on the table.

and panda, don't put staff on a pedestal like that, we argue like children just like anybody else. once you start thinking we aren't imperfect people, that's when asian pop stars have to shave their heads and post apology videos for staying the night at a boy's house.


Jan 24, 2013
and panda, don't put staff on a pedestal like that, we argue like children just like anybody else. once you start thinking we aren't imperfect people, that's when asian pop stars have to shave their heads and post apology videos for staying the night at a boy's house.
I'm simply stating it as I see it. The staff are the staff. Most people look up to them as how they should be on the site, or at least that's what I did back on FH when I first got there. There are just more appropriate places for things like that imo.

Anyways, I don't really see this series going down the same road as House. The shows are a little too different. House is like all of the current crime drama's (see NCIS, CSI, etc). It is basically a larger plot line spread out over a each season with each episode having a mini-story within. Community isn't really like that, it is more like How I Met Your Mother if anything.
It was a lazy rehash of "I have the weirdest boner right now"
That, at it's very best, is a big stretch. If we start calling these jokes rehashes, then pretty much every joke ever is a rehash. The context is wildly different. One is physical humor, while the other is One happened while Troy was being choked by his GF, and the other happened as a result of Jeff whispering in his ear.

As to the writing- As the show that panders to the internet more than any other show in history, probably, I think they took people's concerns to heart, about Harmon's departure resulting in the show not being the same as it was. So I don't know if it'll change much in that regard. You may be out of luck there. Either way, I can admit it wasn't one of the best episodes, but I did enjoy it and I did laugh a lot. And I did watch it twice. But I do think they can do better, and I think they will.


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
I know alot of people hated episode 3, but in my opinion, it was the best of the season. It feels very dan harmon age-y and im finally starting to be okay with his leaving. #InSpecTiCon