Community Season 4


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
Changnesia and the "Simmer Dean, Simmer Dean" bits had me laughing. But the remaining 20 minutes, I don't know man.

Though I will say that season 2 is undoubtedly the best season (rewatching the show, Season 1 didn't get hilarious until Modern Warfare imo). Season 3 had some of my favorite episodes, including Chang Noir (that's what I call it anyway).

So I don't know, maybe this will all work out.
I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sick of all the hate it's been getting around the net. It's like the long break combined with all the drama surrounding Harmon has made people just assume it's going to be bad, and it's manifested itself into actual disgust, despite being 100% unwarranted.

The premiere was fantastic. It was the exact same community we've all grown to love. It was fast paced and the jokes were the perfect mix of high-brow and low-brow, just as always. Jeff had a great speech, Abed was as Abed as ever, Troy was the same gullible/stubborn confused guy he's always been, Annie was her usual doe-eyed innocent self that everyone fell in love with. The Dean was fucking hilarious, as always, and Pierce's gay balls joke was about as high-brow a balls joke could possibly get, and it couldn't have been more Community-er if it wanted to. The commentary on multi-camera laugh track sitcoms was awesome, AND WE GOT A GODDAMN MUPPET BABIES VERSION OF COMMUNITY FOR CHRISTSAKE!!!

The show didn't miss a single beat, and I can't wait for next week.
Look, you're entitled to have your opinion, so long as your opinion isn't some weird manifestation of 9 months of doubt, rather than actually judging the episode for what it was. It's like most people forgot what Community was, and what it's jokes were about. There's nothing else like it on TV, and the long drought made people forget that.

It's still the exact same show.
When someone tells you the way you are thinking about something is wrong, it's a shocker and it's disturbing. It's cool. I completely understand, having been on both sides multiple times. But then maybe you go back and re-think why it is you had those feelings, and opinions, and maybe you realize that person might have been on to something. There's zero shame in that.

And having said that, this was the exact same show that left us 9 months ago. Literally nothing changed outside of 9 months of people worrying about it. That is it.


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
You're saying my opinion is wrong, then summarizing that I developed my opinion a certain (and fallacious) way. Then you go on and say that saying someone's opinion is wrong will start an unending circle when that was the first thing I said.

How is it that you don't see the issue with that?
I lack tact. That's nothing new, and you know that very well by now. So I'm sorry if you took my first comment in a way I hadn't intended. It wouldn't be the first time. But I never meant, nor implied "My opinion is better than yours." Those are words you pulled from thin air and put into my mouth.

Anyway, like I said. This is dumb and circular and isn't going to go anywhere. So if you'd like to talk about the actual show, rather than bullshit on the side, I'd love to.


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
"You guys are being stuck up." I don't know where you learned the phrase, but when you follow it with a diatribe about what our opinions are, and how we formed them, and how they're wrong. WELL...


Dec 28, 2012
i don't give a fuck about Dan Harmon being on the show, or the politics of any of it, but i know what makes me laugh, 90% of that episode wasn't that.

and we were discussing the show, including the positive aspects of that premiere, before you came along and told us how we think


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
I can sit here and discuss you being hypocritical and insulting all night if it suits you. Especially since any opinion I express is likely to be met with the same reaction my original post got.