
I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012

What does esky mean?

Hell, I thought it actually meant a cooler or something, not this:

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
I would just like to say that I'm neither from Australia or New Zealand, those people disgust me, but I know they can't help it and I don't hold it against them. They're lesser people for sure though.

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
i'll be sure to tell my australian friend Transhuman Plus about you guys, i don't know if he's ever spoken to his own kind before.

And that's why you always read the thread.

Seriously though, Australians are crude, savage things without a hint of civility, bred from the worst rapists and bread thieves in England. If that wasn't bad enough, rotund girls in cut-off jeans. Everywhere. It's not like there's even cute girls in cut-offs to balance it out either, it's like there's some sort of fat-community that decided to go out of their way to make me want to rub metal shavings in my eyes.
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Seriously though, Australians are crude, savage things without a hint of civility, bred from the worst rapists and bread thieves in England. If that wasn't bad enough, rotund girls in cut-off jeans. Everywhere. It's not like there's even cute girls in cut-offs to balance it out either, it's like there's some sort of fat-community that decided to go out of their way to make me want to rub metal shavings in my eyes.

I don't know why this sounds both right, and not at all offensive to Australians. I love 'em all for it :D

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Seriously though, Australians are crude, savage things without a hint of civility, bred from the worst rapists and bread thieves in England. If that wasn't bad enough, rotund girls in cut-off jeans. Everywhere. It's not like there's even cute girls in cut-offs to balance it out either, it's like there's some sort of fat-community that decided to go out of their way to make me want to rub metal shavings in my eyes.

Way to generalise the entire fucking Australian population, I think that you've either seen this off of bad comedy TV shows like South Park, or seen a few Aussies like this and judged them as all like that. Everyone is unique and have their own personality, we're not savages and bread from rapists and thieves. Had you had any fucking clue what you were talking about, then you'd know that during the industrial revolution most people were so poor that they afford basic things like food. So they stole a little bit of bread e.t.c, but the crime rate rose sharply, so the police arrested anyone caught stealing and sent them as convicts.

If you were starving and saw stalls of food, you wouldn't take some? Get your facts right. Not to mention that Australia has been beaten by 7 other countries for the obesity rate, and I definitely don't see fat people everywhere I go that's just inaccurate and clearly biased. And why would you lie? You said you weren't Australian or Kiwi, yet a staff member said otherwise. This is just a sad plea for attention from a troll.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Way to generalise the entire fucking Australian population, I think that you've either seen this off of bad comedy TV shows like South Park, or seen a few Aussies like this and judged them as all like that. Everyone is unique and have their own personality, we're not savages and bread from rapists and thieves. Had you had any fucking clue what you were talking about, then you'd know that during the industrial revolution most people were so poor that they afford basic things like food. So they stole a little bit of bread e.t.c, but the crime rate rose sharply, so the police arrested anyone caught stealing and sent them as convicts.

If you were starving and saw stalls of food, you wouldn't take some? Get your facts right. Not to mention that Australia has been beaten by 7 other countries for the obesity rate, and I definitely don't see fat people everywhere I go that's just inaccurate and clearly biased. And why would you lie? You said you weren't Australian or Kiwi, yet a staff member said otherwise. This is just a sad plea for attention from a troll.

While this is a great argument for Australians, it's a little outdated. Also, he's totally poking fun at himself when he said what he said. It's the same as if I were to call you a "honkey motherfucker" - you wouldn't really need to defend yourself, because I, too, am a "honkey motherfucker" :D Good argument, but you're just feeding the trolls, as they say.

Also, I was being sarcastic about the slang translations earlier. I do know that Esky doesn't mean Eskimo.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Also, I was being sarcastic about the slang translations earlier. I do know that Esky doesn't mean Eskimo.

Okay, it's just that 5 minutes prior to writing that I just had debate (in real life, and it was a debate not an argument) about Australian stereotypes, and some of the arguments were uninformative and misleading, so I naturally jumped to the conclusion that you were genuine, sorry.