Lobby Recap ♥♥ Be my Valentine - Custom Lobby Special ♥♥ -


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom


First off, I just want to say thanks to everyone who joined the Custom Lobby Special. Believe me, when I thought of doing this, I figured it'd just be about five or six guys, lol'ing around on Mongooses shooting random balls of colour at each other... It turns out, we had 16 people from the go, and even more wanting in every minute!!!

Unfortunately, some of you turned out to be Beta testers.... actually, more Alpha testers. Me and Tedium didn't actually finish forging the last mini-game until 7:57pm. That left us with three minutes to get the lobby set up! As you can imagine, building four mini-games in a week can be pretty difficult and it has absolutely nothing to do with me spending all weekend being drunk and hungover, and Tedium procrastinating by playing with his brother.

For the most part the Lobby went well. It wasn't until people requested to play NZ Zombies, which absolutely failed and turned 16 players into 4... Oh dear :(

Alas; the Gametypes were made, the maps were Forged, the invites were sent... YOU participated...

Be My Valentines on Arena of Love
This had to be literally the most difficult mini-game to create out of them all, simply because it required a 'VIP' type of play. Forcing players to work with there team as one provided the legs (or technically, wheels), the other providing the bullets, you had to cut down as many enemies in the time limit as possible!

The first game went off with a few issues which happened to be because I'd coloured two intial spawns instead of assigning them teams - my bad!

Afterwards, the games played pretty well and there were a fair few lols to be found... They didn't go without problems though, as a few 'herp-derps' would walk into their King's trap, and be stuck down there with them!

The games resulted as follows with the top teams players listed: (Scored on Kills)
Game 1:
Hi I'm Berb, Ben45789 - 19
Davastan, iiM Stevo - 21
MockKnizzle008, CXSSCX Darkness - 14
Hellsingeduardo, Soliddiesel - 15
Twitchy Taiilow, Zstate of Decay - 14
ROGER C92, Kevin X20A - 10
XFuzzleX, XFuzzle:dead:1) - 9
Aidanator2556, Aidanator255(1) - 10

Game 2:
Hellsingeduardo, Ben45789 - 25
Bob The Pea, SgtBalsMcfury - 17
Zstate of Decay, Whomagettin - 19
Davastan, iiM Stevo - 23
OOAznaticOO, Maciver Da Hero - 7
Twitchy Taillow, Aidanator2556 - 11
XXHalo60FanXX, BlueDaBlueBerry - 6
ROGER C92, Joesherwin - 6

Inca-PASS-itating Love on I've got a package for you, too!
Unfortunately, due to not testing this game with 16 players, it was a bit of a ballsack's mess. The scoring system didn't work, and players couldn't identify their friends, so it became a massive mess of red, glowy, invisible guys punching the blue, glowy guy!

It later got re-done, and the settings amended... where it actually succeeded! Too bad there were only four players remaining!

The games resulted as follows with the top players listed: (Scored on Oddball points)
Game 1: (The only functional game!)
iiM Stevo - 66
OOAznaticOO - 64
Joesherwin - 51
XSpartanPL - 47

Everything explodes! on Valentines Day
Everything Explodes was a gametype dreamt up by Chron. The concept was simple - Everything Explodes. The game initially didn't last long, but a few tweaks made a very chaotic game of Oddball! There wasn't much to break in this one, so it was generally well-received by all.

The games resulted as follows with the top teams players listed: (Scored on Oddball points)
Game 1:
iiM Stevo, Davastan - 27
Twitchy Twaillow, Zstate of Decay - 27
MockKnizzle008, Telepathicninja - 20
Aidanator2556, Ben45789 - 18
CXSSCX Darkness, TrueAssassin119 - 18 (decided by Team K/D)
Hellsingeduardo, SGT Balsmcfury - 18
KevinX20A, Batpayne - 13
ROGER C92, Soliddiesel - 12

Game 2:
iiM Stevo, OOAznaticOO - 81
Davastan, Maciver Da Hero - 60
Hellsingeduardo, XXHalo60FanXX - 75
Twitchy Twaillow, Aidanator2556 - 43
Bob Da Pea, Bluedablueberry - 29
Ben45789, SGT Balsmcfury - 22
ROGER C92, Joesherwin - 19
Whomagettin, DangerXCrusher - 17

Valentines Crush on She needs smashing!
Simple game really, this literally took me 10 minutes to Forge, and was what wasn't complete until 7:57pm! The map is basically 'Haven' with a few additional pathways, and lots more mancannons to get people around the map quicker. Added speed, increased damage, and everyone with hammers left 'lulz' flying everywhere...

The games resulted as follows with the top players listed: (Scored on Kill points)
Game 1:
Sgt Balsmcfury - 27
Ben45789 - 22
Aidanatorr2556 - 21
KevinX20A - 13
MockKnizzle008 - 19
ROGER C92 - 12
Davastan - 17
iiM Stevo - 14
Hellsingeduardo - 13
Twitch Twaillow - 17
Maciver da hero - 12
Batpayne - 12
CXSSCX Darkness - 10
ZState of Decay - 8
Soliddiesel - 8
Trueassassin119 - 8

Game 2:
Hellsingeduardo - 29
Sgt Balsmcfury - 19

Maciver da hero - 25
Davastan - 25
Ben45789 - 20
ROGER C92 - 21
Joesherwin - 16
Bob the pea - 21
XXHalo60fanXX - 22
Aidanator2556 - 21
Twitchy Twaillow - 15
iiM Stevo - 20
Dangerxcrusher - 12
whomagettin - 13
Bbluedablueberry - 9
OOAznaticOO - 7

Point Scoring
5 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
The following list shows all players who participated and their total points acquired through all games. Team games - points are given to both players. As mini-games requiring their own scoring, and the score systems cannot always be implemented in the games hard statistics, the points have been assigned for the base objective point value (Oddball points, or kills). The two winners with the most consecutive victories are highlighted in Gold.

iiM Stevo - 25 (H) :heart:
Davastan - 19 (H) :heart:
Hellsingeduardo - 17
Ben45789 - 16
Twitchy Twaillow - 10
SGT Balsmcfury - 9
ZState of Decay - 9
OOAznaticOO - 8
Maciver da hero - 7
Aidanator2556 - 6
ROGER C92 - 6
XXHalo60FanXX - 6
Hi I'm Berb - 5
MockKnizzle008 - 5
CXSSCX Darkness - 4
Soliddiesel - 4
Bluedablueberry - 3
Joesherwin - 3
KevinX20A - 3
Telepathicninja - 3
Trueassassin119 - 3
Batpayne - 2
Bob the pea - 2
DangerXCrusher - 2
Whomagettin - 2
XFuzzleX - 1
XSpartanPL - 1






Dec 30, 2012
I'm Number 1! I'm Number 1! Woo!

The lobby was okay, but it was evident that the game were meant to suit smaller lobbies... I mean, the passing game with 16 people? It was kind of chaotic.
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Reactions: Stevo


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
Haha, yeah... the games had never been tested. However, the full thread is up... I accidentally submitted the thread when I was trying to do a line return!