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H2A Tournament

Tournament is a 1v1 BR tournament map that supports up to 16 players. It is required that you use the gametype, Tournament Settings.


The map starts you off in a 1v1 with another player. A few moments after your 1v1 is completed, new platforms will spawn, connecting you to another player to 1v1. If the full 16 players are playing, there will be 4 1v1 battles every round, for 10 rounds. This map can also be played with fewer players, but many players will have to wait after the first or second round to get into a 1v1.

This map features a variety of options that spawn after every battle, so you can be unpredictable. A sniper spawns for the winner of battle 2, and rockets spawn a long while after the final battle starts to prevent hiding or camping.

Don't try this map with less than 8 people. The overall experience gets better the more people are playing.



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