[Oct 10, 2015] HMCC all games and gametypes map testing (reaper rocks 86)

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Feb 3, 2013
Hey guys I would like to invite everyone to join me tonight in a customs lobby for map testing and just fun in general. We will begin with 8 people and accept more after a couple games to get 4v4 testing out of the way.

If the lobby gets too small we will just go play matchmaking and dunk on some scrubs but hopefully the lobby stays alive and well.

Quick rules:

The lobby will go on a rotation of who ever wanted to test a map first. If you RSVP and let me know you want to test a map in the comments I will count you down as being one of the first because you RSVP'd. Each person can only test out 2 maps per rotation.

I will start out by testing 2 maps I have been working on for a little while. One is in Halo 4 and one is in Halo 3.

GT: reaper rocks 86

let me know if you can show and I'll see you there!
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