[Mar 15, 2013] IWS27's Competitive Customs (IWS27)

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Jan 10, 2013
Hello, fellow customgamers! I am here to start a competitive customs game! Here we will play some awesome competitive games. We will have some casual competitive games here as well! But there are rules!
1. No offending other players
2. No racism/sexism
3. Do not make fun of or trash talk about other players
4. Keep cursing at a minimum
5. All ages allowed, but act mature

Here are some of the games we will be playing:
1 flag CTF on skydock
Infinity Rumble on (my poorly named)Lockout
Dominion on a custom map

You are encouraged to bring your own maps and gamemodes!
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My lobbies hardly get any action until a couple hours before the event. Then I get get like 5-10 messages on Xbox thirty minutes before the start. I suggest you get on a little early top accept these invites. Then put on a couple ffa games to pass the time while people join. Throw some messages in the shout box during this time to get more players.tell people that join that they can invite a couple of their friends. You'll get a full party quick.

It's gonna be awesome!
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