This has been annoying me since Reach


Jan 11, 2013
What I'm pretty sure every player is aware of and what annoys every good forger. The alignment problem of pieces. The precise coordinates and magnets almost don't help in the end because as we all know once we reload the map, the pieces have shifted slightly. The fact I will make a perfectly straight ground on a map and then go play it, and the pieces shifted in a may that I am now required to JUMP over what should be a "flat" surface. Of all the forge problems this annoys me the most.

Is there a way to get around this? I don't think so. But I'd love if that wasn't a problem in the first place.

I'm not really asking for a way to fix this I'm just bringing it up. But I guess if there is a way, let me know.


Jan 11, 2013
Really? Well then it hasn't happened as often to u or as bad. There will be times in the middle of going around a corner and I'll just stop out of no where cuz there's a piece that has risen up for particular reason at all.

I guess if ur a perfectionist forger like me it would bother you more. But still, It's a real pain when your making small Asthetics and then they get completely screwed up cuz of this problem
To be honest, i never had that problem in reach or so far in halo 4. I don't know if maybe I forge in such a way that this bug doesn't arise. It does sound frusterating though. Just gotta go shoot some noobs in matchmaking for a bit to expend your anger and then come back to it :)


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I had this happen consistently with an Assassin's Creed map. I finished it, then came back to edit it after testing. The ground/floor pieces kept shifting over and down a coordinate or two. I couldn't get it to stay still. I finally got it to stop doing that somehow, but it sure did piss me off.