Halo 5 Forge Bug Reports


Feb 25, 2016
Bug description: Malfunction in use of the "Interactable Object" ( Metal Ramp 22x41x9).

Circumstances: I have the ramp set to move on a conveyor down a lane in my map. This way u can use it as cover going down the conveyor however others can shoot the switch and lower the cover to expose the hidden player. It works except for a couple major issues. The first issue when the switch is shot and the ramp is lowering in the ground it flips out and spins around doing frontrlips and will sling u everywhere if ur near it. The other issue while its moving it will sometimes grab the objects (being tbe ground) below it and flipt it around or take it with it as well and messes up the map.

Additional documentation: i took a couple pics that show it all flipped out of place which itll continue to move down tbe map like that and the other pic shows how it messed up the conveyor beneath it.


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Feb 25, 2016
Bug- theres a huge invisable wall coming off the forge piece "accent wall" (46x82x32 right elbow).

I have the piece flipped upside down...or i believe it is. Its flipped where im using it as an accent wall unfortionately im unable to use it because this invisable wall blocks bullets when trying to shoot through it. You are able to walk through it but just cant shoot through it. Also when forging and trying to select another piece near it selects this accent piece instead and is extreemly frustrating when u go to move pieces u thought u selected and it moves that.

In the screenshot i have below u can see im looking down my conveyor and it says im selecting this accent piece. The piece is located to the left of the pic and u can see how far the invisable wall sticks out from it.


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Feb 25, 2016
Bug- "interactable target" (30x22x27 platform forge) only animates one direction.

I dont know if this is a glitch or maybe im not scripting this piece right or not but lets assume im using this as a scripted elevator lift it will only animated going down once the piece is dropped and will not go back up. Ive tried to script this obj with timers and by switches. I tried toggleing power states on and off and individualy off and on as well.. Ive tried position reset.. Ibe tried putting it in animation loop.. And of course just sitting there never does anything either. It seems it needs like some kind of zone trigger to properly work. I can set the animation to stop and it stays in position. The only way to get it to go back up (somewhat) is by setting it to despawn/respawn.

I have a pic of the piece listed below. Im using one piece normaly and another flipped upside down to create a door thats scripted on animation stop. This way i have a hidden switch to open it and another switch elswhere to despawn/respawn it. I did this instead since i couldnt get it to work otherwise. Theres a few other interactable obj that seem to do the same thing where they dont work when they should when their power state isnset to on.


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Feb 25, 2016
Bug- grouping glitch that groups all of your groups together.

This has happened to me quite a bit and is quite frustrating. Ill be forging along and ill creat groups here and there and dupe them or move them around. Then after hours of forging ill save and end the game. Once i come back toncontinue forging and load in the map all my different groups are all grouped into one huge group. Then when i ungroup them to continue forging now all my complex structjres i had grouped ade no longer grouped so when i need to move them again i have to go in and re group the structure again etc. I tend to just ungroup everything when im done but if inhabe super complex structures i like to keep them grouped. Ive also have a map where one of my groups i have duped onto the other side of the map is now unable to be selected and edited. Its there its just not there if that makes any sense. Im unable to select it and consolidat the pieces to get more that i need since i was maxed out on pieces for my map :/

I dont have any pics for the grouping issue since it happened in the past and technically i could just group everything and take a pic so a pic really doesnt do justice.. I do however have a pic for the one where i cant select a group that i have dupped already..placed elsewhere and once i reloaded the map it was no longer able to be edited or able to ungroup etc. Its attatched below. U can see how its there and its physical but yet its not there showing on my ridicule to be selected or edited and what not.


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Feb 25, 2016
Bug- Sometimes while forging im unable to generate lighting.

When i hold down on the d-pad all it does is put me into spartan mode. I try to hold it i try to click it a million times and same thing... It just puts me into spartan mode. I thought it was my controller there for awhile then i tried a few other controllers and same issue. My wife was forgin with me tryin to learn some stuff and she was able to generate light no problem. So i booked her controller up to mine knowing it just worked no prolem on her console and saaame thing happened. It just put me into spartan mode instantly like it was doin with my other controllers. So i decided to reset my game to see if that would help thinkin it was maybe just my game. When i got forge all set up again and i tried to generate lighting it actualy worked this time around. I dont know if it was glitchin cause of host issues to the servers or not since i was host before and this seems to happen to me quite a bit when im forgin by myself. In the future ill just try to see if resetting my game everytime since that seems to be working


Feb 25, 2016
Bug- unable to save map. Unable to save as new map (if its an existing map im working on)

Ive noticed here recently over the past couple weeks that while forging for a few hours or so and i go to quite and save the map or save the tweeks ive done before getting off it didnt say "saving " in the bottom left hand corner. I thought maybe it was a glitch and tried it a few more times... Nada. Then i decided to try and save as a new map in case it didnt save the map those few times i tried. It didnt tell me if it saved as a new map or not so i did it one more time just in case since i didnt want to just lose all that time forging for nothing. So i end the game and see if it saved as a new map that i just saved to.. Nada.. Maan did this annoy the heck outta me.. So then i tried reloading the map again maybe thinkin it at least saved.. Aaaaand nada.. Its happened a few times the past couple weeks and now ive been checkin as soon as i get in the game to make sure it saves before i go spending a lot of time forgin. When this has happened i just reset my game and it seemed to fix the issue. It seems it may be a connection jssue with the server possibly. Or maybe it happens when i walk away and it kicks me from the game since i was away too long on my break after forgin for hours on end. So just be aware of this and hope it helps give yall a heads up when forging so u dont waste precious forge time like i have :/ if it does ..again just try to reset ur game since that has been working for me.


Oct 7, 2014
Bug description: Game deletes selected group of objects

Circumstances: When in the process of moving parts of my map to a different location, upon ungrouping the objects it instead removes them the map entirely.

Additional documentation: N/A For now.


Feb 16, 2013
I currently have a unremovable/unselectable gravity hammer on my new map.I tried to select all gravity hammers to delete them and it says there are only 2 gravity hammers even though I have 3 on the map. I know this bug has something to do with grouping since I once grouped the hammer with 2 other objects.You can still grab and use the weapon in Forge and Customs. Does anyone have a fix for this? I would highly appreciate it as I had to Forge around this glitched hammer.


May 20, 2016
On the new map Stasis, all of the fire and smoke effects and some of the jet effects will become completely or partly invisible if you turn the weather in map options to Snow (Heavy). I have also tested this on other maps and have gotten the same result. Sometimes other weather variants will cause this to happen as well.