Srs Bzns

News The End of an Era

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Yesterday marked the five-year anniversary of Halo: Reach: a game which was truly instrumental in bringing Halo's forge community to life. One of the biggest pieces of forge community history born during Reach's lifespan was a YouTube channel called TheHaloForgeEpidemic. What began as a way for [REDACTED] to showcase his talents as a mini game forger quickly evolved into a major community phenomenon. THFE map features become the most viewed forge content on YouTube and the channel thrived. With help from the talented commentator Bevans Law and the enterprising Oakley HiDef, THFE became a respected community group.

In January of 2012, I came on board in order to feature what we then called "competitive" maps on the channel. I eased in with big team battle maps because they were what I knew best. I soon began featuring a variety of core Halo maps and slowly began earning the...

News Pardon us Whilst we...

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You may remember from our most recent site update that we are implementing some pretty cool changes to the site prior to the release of the Master Chief Collection. You can already see some of these changes in place in the maps section, and the customs section is now our primary area of focus. The changes we hope to implement to the host ratings system are complicated, and you may see some negative effects in the short term as we work on these systems.

So, pardon us if we accidentally delete the internet.

We'll keep you up-to-date with our progress. You shouldn't see anything go too horribly wrong while we work on these changes, but I figured it was worth letting you all know about. We are currently experiencing some difficulties with our like system. Hopefully these will be resolved soon, but we may have to break a few things in the short term to...

Teddy Out

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Hey guys,

It's been an awesome ride, but there comes a time for everyone where they realize that Halo just isn't as big a part their life as it used to be. It's been an amazing experience being apart of this. I feel incredibly privileged to have been given the chance to be so much as a staff member here, but from this point onward I feel it would be nothing but dishonest to remain as such, let alone an Administrator, without the passion and ambition that was first there. Long story short, this is my resignation.

For the staff:
I'll see if I can blue myself again, though it may be that Insane will need to remove the admin abilities. Thanks so much Insane for the opportunity to be an administrator - a role I'd desired for so many years in the Halo Community. It's been a long and unique four year experience across both ForgeHub and HaloCustoms, and one of my fondest memories are of the first months following HC's release. The people, the electric potential, the games...
Community Poll: Circles or Squares? Oh And Some Other Stuff
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Hello there! If you've been a part of HaloCustoms for more than 3 days, you'll have noticed a few small changes around the forums. Granted, it's no forum overhaul, but the changes are still worthy of discussion. And since there are mixed feelings aplenty regarding these changes, we figured we should get everyone in on the decision-making process. :)
So yea, there are only two main changes:
  • Change Number One - previously, the Navigation Bar at the top of the forum would move with you as you scroll down the page. But it's also been causing some issues on the mobile version, and some members complained about it always being in the way. So, we're trying out the "Fixed" NavBar right now, where it stays put at the top of the forum. Which do you prefer? Oh, and if you don't know what I mean by "NavBar," it's this:

Back Online

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During the implementation of a few updates to the Maps system the website encountered an unexpected fault. Development staff had no choice other than to roll back to where we started the initial rollout of our brand new website. The backup tape of Halo Customs only includes data as of 24 hours ago.

This means we lost a lot of progress in updating the site. However, we are working around the clock to bring back all those changes as soon as possible. We greatly apologize for this inconvenience.

Please submit tickets where you see bugs / issues. Thanks!

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    Reach Shadow Arena
    Foggy/Misty Arena Use with "Gateway Assault" gametype. CGB/Xbox Compatible
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  • Sabre Solitude
    Reach Sabre Solitude
    Fully Black Sabre Duel Map
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  • Nucleus
    Reach Nucleus
    Push through the enemy team in warthogs to bomb their base.
    • NukeOhio
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