Site Update

News Site Update: [Insert Exciting Title Here]

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Greetings, friends. It's been quite some time since our last big site update which went live shortly after the release of everyone's favorite game; Halo: The Munster Cheese Collection. A few of us weren't terribly thrilled with the game's launch. Some of us even argued that bundling four games we had already paid for together and breaking all of them in the process wasn't worth another 60 wing-wangs from our limited stash of hard-earned moolah.

I'm not here to complain about the game's faults, though. This community proved its resilience during Halo 4's disappointing lifespan, and we'll prove it again. What we need now are some fun events that play to the Collection's strengths to tide us over until Halo 5's release when the game finally works as intended. So, we whipped something up in the...

News Site Update: The Not-So-Great Journey

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Welcome, friends, to another exciting installment in the HaloCustoms site update series. Over the past few months, we've been filling you in on the changes underway to prepare everyone's favorite Halo community site for the new Halo game. The good new is, we were mostly prepared. The bad new is that the game's developers were not. Right now, Halo: The Master Chief Collection has numerous massive flaws, the least of which are all but preventing us from playing custom games. Right now, the best thing you can do is contribute to our epic bug thread and keep playing the game. It's only going to get better.

The host reputation is one thing which we are still working on. This system will allow customgoers to rate their hosts, and for these ratings to incentivize hosts to continue to host better lobbies. This...

News Site Update, for Great Justice!

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Greetings, my blue fellows. It's been a while since we served up a steaming platter of HaloCustoms news for you, but the wait is finally over. You may not have heard much from us lately. The staff have been quiet, and this is something which has been reflected throughout the Halo community. The bitter winter that is Halo 4 is almost over, though. Soon, the snow will melt and usher in a fresh, beautiful spring (ironically enough, we'll actually be heading into winter when the Master Chief Collection drops this November). Don't worry, we will be ready for that spring. None of what we are proposing today is set in stone, but we figured it was about time we gave you guys a glimpse of what to expect come November.

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month of this year, it will be time for many of us to say our goodbyes to Halo 4. Instead, we'll be turning to Halo 2: Anniversary, a game who's multiplayer component will not...

News Site Update 6/29/14

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Hello there, gentle forumgoer. I see you frantically sweeping the members section, desperately searching for an answer to the question on everyone's minds: what the heck is with all of the staff changes lately? Fear not, all of your answers are contained within the web of words I have woven below. But first, something completely different. I think it is safe to assume that you are all by now aware of the Halo news that poured out from between 343i's loose lips over the past few weeks. So, be sure to drop some logic in the Master Chief Collection Discussion Thread. If package deals containing all of your favorite games from the past thirteen years (and Halo 4) aren't your thing, be sure to drop by the Halo 5 Guardians Discussion Thread. Also...

News Site Update (and Debate) 5/22/14

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Hi there, HaloCustomers (does that make you our customers? :confused:)! You may have noticed lately that Media Stream content has been somewhat lacking. While the ongoing hunt for the Purple Dinosaur Eggs has been an exciting adventure, we thought it was about time we got our acts together and returned the Media Stream to its original purpose: bringing a variety of awesome content to you! The staff have been discussing a few different avenues for bringing cool content to you guys and getting you involved. None of these plans are finalized just yet, but we'll keep you guys in the loop.

"2"s, "v"s, "B"s, "o"s, 'n' "F"s
If you take a glance at the forum, you'll notice that our Special Events board skipped town. If you missed out on the excitement of Best of Forge and the 2v2 Tournament we were co-hosting with a few other site and channels from around the community, don't feel bad. You really didn't miss out. Both of...

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