Introduction You've probably heard of me..


Nov 17, 2014
I'm kind of a big deal.

Ahahaha no I only kid. If any of you were around during Halo 3 I forged quite a bit then, I played competitively as well but that hobby was short lived lmao. I was a mod on xForgery and the admin of Forgery Aid when those sites were still a thing. Sadly I've discovered today many of this forums I used to frequent are no longer around. Forgehub was the only one to last this long... and then I discovered this lovely place :)

Anywho I love the new Forge mode and look forward to sharing my creations (if ever possible with 343s blasted file share system >:[ ) Until then I'll be posting my maps to my youtube channel. Cant wait to meet some of yall :)