Introduction Yo5hii


May 26, 2015
Denver CO
Hey, I'm Carlos and I live in Colorado, if anybody is interested my gamertag is Yo5hii, mostly because people couldn't pronounce my last name which used to be my gamertag so they called me yoshi, that ended up being taken when I wanted to change my gamertag so I ended up with the 1337 sp33k version. I really enjoy forging and was particularly inspired by the death race map in halo 3. Right now I am trying out a ton of different things that may or may not work out, like a youtube channel and being on a robotics team at my high school. Halo is a big passion and I started paying when I was about 6 and my dad one an original xbox from work and got halo with it. Now hes not irresponsible at all, he claims to have monitored me while I was playing it to see how I reacted and saw that I could handle it. Now its just me out of all my friends who still play and it makes me kinda sad that i have no one to play custom games with anymore. Thats when I found this place and I hope that I'll fit into the community.


Jan 10, 2013
Hey Carlos, welcome to HC :D. I remember Halo back in the day, I could barely get the hang of it :laugh: