Introduction Wookie1998


Jun 3, 2013
I started playing Halo in 2009 with Halo 3. Matchmaking was awesome forge mode was a little clunky and custom games was my favorite I loved playing 3-4 big team battle games then searching the recent players list for a custom game as thats how I did it usually and it worked well. In Reach rather as a lobby bouncer I was Host Master General most the time. I created quite a few maps in forge mode that almost everyone loved and they got quite a few downloads. In Halo 4 I was disappointed in... well everything so after a few months i raged and went to Black Ops 2 thinking i'll be back on Halo in a week. It's been 5 months now and I have had my faith restored in my favorite game franchise and I'm ready to get back into playing Halo.