Introduction Why hello there!

Clone Trooper

Jul 31, 2014
As you all probably could have guessed, I have finally signed up to be a part of this grand community. I know I will love it! In case you are ever wondering, my name is Coy. Coy Thomas, to be exact. (You all can call me Coy-fish if you want.) I live in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, a little town an hour away from Durango, Colorado. I am an active Halo player, and I am very interested in the story and communities behind Halo and its expanded universe. I am always quick to try to make friends, regardless of gender or nationality. And if you want,you can contact me on Xbox Live to hear my British accent. I don't know why, but people say it's really good. But that's a matter of opinion. Anyways, here I am, and I am ready to play. My gamertag is lClone Trooperl, and if you want to be on my friends list or just want to hang out, send one out to me (message, that is). Otherwise, hope to see you all on halo. See you guys later!