Introduction Why custom games are so valuable to the community

Sep 1, 2014
I'm 13 years old sitting in my room, headset on, controller in hand, and oblivious to the outside world. I was in forge. And a new friend was teaching me how to join two objects together on foundry. It's one of the most exciting moments I've experienced in my life. I felt like I knew a trick that none of my friends at school knew, and on that day there couldn't have been anything more important than to know something they didn't. Ever since then I've had an enigmatic love affair with custom games, parties, art, and creation in the halo universe. The simple form of imagination set in the parameters of the tools for creation in my favorite and the worlds most popular game have quite enthralled my spirit and childish inhibitions for years. Games are an important part of human growth,and creativity is soup for the soul. Don't ever stop playing. Yours truly, Chris
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