Introduction Whatsup everyone


Jul 22, 2014
Hey guys, new to the site, but I am already super stoked to get back into Halo after a pretty long break from my Xbox. My name is Chris and I'm a 20 year old from California. My gamer tag right now is o Applejack o but I plan on changing it back to CubeSurvivor tomorrow probably, I miss people calling me Cube. Its been a couple of years since I've played Xbox (thank you college) but when I did, I played Halo, Cod, Soul Calibur, Tekken, Dynasty Warriors, and a bunch of other eclectic games. When I'm not playing, I'm working or out with friends, or at school, I'm in the field of Art & Design so I like colors. My favorite of those colors would have to be Green, and I also like long walks on short beaches and putting my back into it when I'm lifting a heavy load for one of my bros... if ya know what i mean ;). All jokes aside I'm stoked to get back into Halo, and I cant wait to play some sick custom games with you guys.