What's Your Bucket List


Jan 24, 2013
So, people of Halo Customs, what are five (5) things that you want to do before you die?

Mine, in no particular order:

Meet the love of my life, Skydive (aka overcome my fear of heights), Save a life, Spend a week in nature, completely immersed, and Cry out of happiness.
Feb 1, 2013
interesting question sorry to say that i dont really know definatly overcome fear of heights, marry, cry from happiness and play soccer professionally but dont know the other one


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
1. My biggest goal is making life easier/better through technology with the skills I have. That's mostly based on my influences in usability, engineering, and community building, and I'm really hoping to bring that all to something that improves a large population of lives, in particular, the disabled and elderly populations.

2 and 3. Eventually, I'd like to be able to donate a significant amount of money towards developing mindsets in education rather than solutions. I think a lot of teachers and students both get it way wrong, and it ends up with a lot of people in important jobs that haven't really developed the right thinking process. For example, algebra isn't "something new", it's the same exact math that they were teaching in arithmetic. Over last summer, I taught my sister basically all of Algebra II in a very short time, and since teaching in her school is trying to make it as some kind of new thing, she's already ahead more than a year.
I'd also eventually like to teach a class, under the same idea that mindset is more important than a solution (hell, most solutions you can look up on the internet, that's not something that requires education).


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
1. My biggest goal is making life easier/better through technology with the skills I have. That's mostly based on my influences in usability, engineering, and community building, and I'm really hoping to bring that all to something that improves a large population of lives, in particular, the disabled and elderly populations.

2 and 3. Eventually, I'd like to be able to donate a significant amount of money towards developing mindsets in education rather than solutions. I think a lot of teachers and students both get it way wrong, and it ends up with a lot of people in important jobs that haven't really developed the right thinking process. For example, algebra isn't "something new", it's the same exact math that they were teaching in arithmetic. Over last summer, I taught my sister basically all of Algebra II in a very short time, and since teaching in her school is trying to make it as some kind of new thing, she's already ahead more than a year.
I'd also eventually like to teach a class, under the same idea that mindset is more important than a solution (hell, most solutions you can look up on the internet, that's not something that requires education).
Wow, you got a good life planned out
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Jan 29, 2013
California USA
My "Anything Goes" Bucket List:
1) Travel back in time
2) Become a super saiyan lol
3) Get 100 subscribers lawl again
4) Speak with Tupac Shakur and bring him back from the dead if he wishes :cool:
5) Have a billion dollars
such a ridiculous bucket list I know sorry lol

My True Bucket List:
1) Be a good father to my daughter
2) Become a success (with work and school)
3) Achieve true happiness
4) Help change the entire world in a positive way
5) *saves this slot for later :)
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invent something
be a big part in something i'm proud of
run a marathon
have a near death experience
right when I'm about to die, sream out that I see god who is telling me the cure to cancer. with my final breath, I say, "alright, it's really simple actually. All you need is..."