
The Question is actually the answer and you can't pick it, trolololol

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Jan 16, 2013
Hello friends, foes, aquatic birds and scumbags.

Once upon a time (many a year ago) I thought up a new word, and that word is Wafflenobble.

It has no meaning, I just like the way it sounds and find it generally fun to say.

unfortunately google is unaware of my word and on searching for it I got this message

No Google I did not mean Waffle Bubble....
No search results at all! sad face (I'm just too pro for emoticons)

Basically I want you all to accept wafflenobble into your lives.

Talk about wafflenobble with friends, family and co-workers.

Include wafflenobble in forum and twitter posts.

Maybe even say wafflenobble in the description of a video you've just made.

Etcetera Etcetera....

Basically I am donating my word to the you all to make your own. I'm not even charging you any monies for a license to use it.
what a super swell guy that adderrson fellow is.

Now Go out there and Generate some Damn Search Results!!11!!one!1!!