Voice actors needed


Jan 9, 2013
So here's the gig. I created HORSE map to submit to Achievement hunter that will introduce them to Blood Gulch. Regardless of if they actually pick it, I just want them to watch the video. The HORSE aspect of the map is falling from thee top of the Forge Island canvas, and pretty much surviving a free fall down a path of obstacles, and finally going though a tunnel. This is where it becomes interesting though.

In the tunnel We're going to have flash backs to all the official Blood Gulch remakes. What I want out of the voice actors is the ability to portray a "on the edge of your seat heart pounding event unfolding announcer". Each person will have 1 line (Maybe 2) in which they say. Ideas I have are:
"Halo Combat Evolved has revolutionized First person shooter games" ---Fuzzle
"Blood Gulch has instantly become a fan favorite" ---Great Mist 40
"Halo 2 announced, Blood Gulch is returning as coagulation"
"Halo 3 is bringing a more exotic remake of blood gulch as Valhalla"
"Halo Reach is announced with speculation of Original Blood Gulch remake"
"Rumors are confirmed with Blood Gulch now named Hemorrhage"
"Halo 4 announced, and discloses news of a remake map"
"Just released, The remake is not Blood Gulch"
"343 opted to remake Valhalla instead of blood gulch"
"Blood Gulch will not be returning in Halo 4, marking the first game in the HALO franchise"
"Halo fans upset with no Blood Gulch"
"Where is Blood Gulch?" ---Evergreen948
"Breaking News: Rooster Teeth and 343 just challenged community to remake make Blood Gulch"

At said point the picture goes back to the falling through the tunnel and lands on landmines. After they explode, looks around at Blood Gulch.

"Challenge Complete"

So who's game?
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Jan 29, 2013
California USA
I would do this, but I think my voice is rather boring/monotone. It's kind of deep, but I don't believe I could pull this off :(
Either way I'm interested to see the end result :y: